What do you guys think of this longhorn [taskbar]

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Does not look too bad, but I dont like the border around the tasks. I would not use it MUCH, but it would be really cool if that was an option. Always nice to know there is something else if I dont like the standard. Thanks for sharing.

Edit: Also, since the window titlebar and border is transparent with a kind of blur effect of what you see through it, it would look a bit odd if this did not have that.

Maybe with a wallpaper that made good use of the transparency (such as having strategically place "blankspots" so you can actually see what is written on the taskbar. That wallpaper wouldn't do windows 3.1 justice........It's a close up of GRASS ffs, not Miss World or some cool design........it's GRASS.

I can se it now... all the 3rd party visual styles coming out for Vista will be overdone with glass this and transparent that. OI VEY!

nice try, but tranparency doesnt' belong on OS GUIs in my opinion. Its more confusing than helpful.

Maybe with a wallpaper that made good use of the transparency (such as having strategically place "blankspots" so you can actually see what is written on the taskbar.  That wallpaper wouldn't do windows 3.1 justice........It's a close up of GRASS ffs, not Miss World or some cool design........it's GRASS.


Just showing what MS exec's are smoking.. lol.

Too much glassy bubbleness....


Yeah I went crazy. This wasnt the final thing I was planning on showing.

It seems the new zonealarm 6 has a built in nazi mode that likes to crash my applications when I promt a deny for certain things

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