August Desktops

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as of this instant, who knows how many times it will change before September....

aside from full-screen progs, thats as dirty as my desktop ever gets

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How can I get these two wall?

Here is my wall for August:


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Eh...ever think that there could possibly be different time zones in the world?


Windows Classic w/ TClock2

Vista by

Icons are a mix of Vista and LH.

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Why do you people do that. It isn't even AUGUST YET. Jesus people.

Give people at least a few weeks before posting a thread like this.


Have you stopped to think that in some places it is August :rolleyes: Just because it might be 10AM the last day of July doesn't mean that it is 10AM the last day of July everywhere else in the world ;)

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Why do you people do that. It isn't even AUGUST YET. Jesus people.

Give people at least a few weeks before posting a thread like this.


I like the 'you people' reference. :D

& if 'we've' been doing this for who knows how long, why should we stop now? :cool:

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Windows XP

Vista Wall

Clearlooks Gnome msstyle

Plain Icons

RocketDock Up Top

ps- no clue whats so vulgar about her eating an apple but to each his own i guess.

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Why do you people do that. It isn't even AUGUST YET. Jesus people.

Give people at least a few weeks before posting a thread like this.


A few weeks? What planet do you live on? :huh:

Nice desk Bloodwork. (Y)

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