Plan to buy a new monitor for Vista?

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I bought a Apple 20" Widescreen yesterday, thought i knew of this. But hell, it's a long long time until vista gets out. Let's just hope that we can make them understand this is not what we want. It's all like someone makes a new very cool product and then sets an extremly high price tag on it. It wont be adopted.

What about Apple?

I think it's very unlikely for them to discontinue the current ACD and update it only because of this.

And I doubt Macs won't be able to play HD-DVD's.

This is just stupid. Why whould tracing the signal when it reaches the flat panel itself (it can't be encrypted in such a state) be any harder than tracing the normal DVI signal?

I have hundreds of movies in full-on 1080i HDTV recorded to DVD+Rs ...

They play fine ;) And they always will, no matter what the display is.

Blue-Ray / HD-DVD will also play just fine on current computers/displays (given you have a fast enough CPU) ... Quicktime 7 HD is the same codec (H.264) that next-gen HDTV will use, and I can play that just fine as well ...

This is just a load of you-know-what ...

Everything Vista has to 'offer' will be cracked. Period. Besides, WinXP is plenty capable of playing HDTV for many years to come.

Don't know why you people buy into this stuff :rolleyes:

This is another great example of why a lot more people will be switching to Mac in the next ages. Vista is not very impressive and has too many plans for DRM and controlling their users. Apple gives people what they want. And dont even mention anything about the DRM in the new Intel CPU powermacs. That is not for anything except keeping people that dont have apple hardware from using OSX. If I were in the position of the author of this thread I would seriously consider moving to Apple. Dont waste your time flaming me either, cause I will just ignore you.

Then I won't be watching premium content. If I can't watch it, I won't buy it and they lose out.


Exactly. I don't need now, and I won't need it later. If it is really a problem with a lot of people not going for this new DRM monitor crap, then there will be a market for HD quality movies w/o the DRM (or without this specific DRM). They will thrive. At the end of the day, its the consumers that will decide.

Doesn't really bother me what they do, all I do now anyway is look at guitar tabs all day with my pc anyway.

I seriously doubt I'll even be upgrading my computer for 3+ years being this is all I do now. I mean, why the hell do I need a 4Ghz cpu and a 4Gigs of ram to look at tabs? lol.

Hell, I'd probably do fine switching to linux being this what I do all day, right? However, some of those new pc games coming out (AOE3 etc...) look pretty fun :shifty:

Digital Restrictions Management is retarded. Period.

If MS continues to push these fkn DRM's into their next O/S I'll end up going with another platform and its too bad for them. Yes, they could careless if "one" user leaves but I doubt I'd be the only one if I were to stop supporting Windows products.

If MS continues to push these fkn DRM's into their next O/S I'll end up going with another platform and its too bad for them.

The problem is Macs are using DRM as well. Did you see the recent article about the "Security chip" that is now implemented in Macs? Face it: DRM is backing you into a corner.

The problem is Macs are using DRM as well. Did you see the recent article about the "Security chip" that is now implemented in Macs? Face it: DRM is backing you into a corner.

Saw that on Slashdot that is not the case:

No DRM for Apple in Intel-based Macs

JWeinraub writes "OfB is reporting that, contrary to widely-published and discussed rumors, Apple is not including the controversial Trusted Platform Module (TPM) chip in its Intel-based Macs. An anonymous registered Apple developer claims that the Apple x86 test boxes do not have DRM or TCPA components." From the article: "As to why those with access to the kits have been quiet concerning the claims, our source said, 'you can rest assured that Apple is keeping very close tabs on those of us who have them.' The kits are only available to those who accept a non-disclosure agreement."


I really cannot be arsed to read all the comments, but from what I can see from the first few is that you are all imature for "reporting" each other....

And second, if you don't like the fact that new content will be protected, then either wait until they crack it, or don't pay for it - End of !

It's the same with TV's soon.. Congress was forcing all households to upgrade their tv's for HDTV support by passing a law....just because the Powerful Campain Financiers in the Television industry says so....forcing people to spend money. They have now pushed back the deadline to 2008 I think ?


anyway they really ought to ask the consumers first or jesus build it so you can still use the old tv or monitor but without the high digital quality supported. From the sound of it the DVD's won't support anything less than an HDCP tv. no backward compatibility? :rolleyes: :wacko:

Wait on just a second I just thought of something....

What about people who have LAPTOPS? What are they gunna do?!


Well, I doubt any of today's laptops can run Vista to it's full capabilties (when it's final). You know MS, they'll make sure that new laptops will ship with Vista and the display will no doubt be HDTV/HDCP (all these new letters ey!).

More importantly, will laptops have the Ageia PhysX chip too ;) (unlikely, but that's what desktops are for) :p

Anyways...I agree with most comments, regardless if this HDCP has been a standard for 3 years (even though it's just started to take off), I won't be one of those who buys a monitor 'just' to see Vista in it's true light. Besides, I'm hoping to get an Intel Mac with Mac OS X 10.5/6.

Still interesting to know about these things though.

or jesus build it so you can still use the old tv or monitor but without the high digital quality supported.


You will be able to watch HD content on regular monitors, it will just down sample it then up sample it to reduce the quality.

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