the Truth about Deviant Art's history

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As I understand it he had the funds to help bankroll bandwidth and servers early on (but not from the start) when popularity exploded, then when other business ventures he was involved in failed he started to take actual interest and put himself on staff.


Doesn't tell me how he became boss.

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"Loved Adminstrator"? :laugh:

DeviantART sucks nowadays. It's slow, crap gets deleted without warning, and now this whole thing with Jark. Oh well, there is plenty of other art communities on the web.

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Doesn't tell me how he became boss.


He basically lied to Jark about something and snuck control away through his private legal counsel.

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Doesn't tell me how he became boss.


He apparently had the money and power to position himself in such a way that he could do as he pleased. But the particulars and specifics are probably only known by a couple of people. :/

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This is a really sad thing to hear. Jark was a cool guy, and Angelo is being a douchebag. I really hope there is a lawsuit. Because if there is, this Angelo character is toast.

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links to any good ones?&nbsp:unsure:e:

586321361[/snapback] - far better content and lots of stuff to get inspired by and learn from.

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I hope Jark rapes Angelo for everything he's got, and either resume control of DA or go on and create an even better site :)

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i've been a member at DeviantART for quite a while... and i have noticed things in the last year or so go downhill...

i hope that things are sorted out behind the scenes, DA is a great place. i'd hate to see it go down just because of one person's agenda.

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I just want to digress here and say something.

A lot of people thus far have bitched about the contedt of devart being, lets just say...sub-par. First off, that is what happens when sites become big, people, all kinds of people, take intrest in them. Look at neowin. I'm an asshat some(most)times, and there are loads here. There are also great people here who contribute tons and are able to have really good conversations and debates with. Doesn't mean neowin is crap now, it's just popular, and everyone (for the most part) is invited. That is what made deviantart so great! The fact that it wasn't an "art group" like breed or Raster or any of the others out there. Everyone could post their works and have them enjoyed by whoever wanted too. The saying "one man's trash is another man's treasure" fits Deviantart to a T! I've seen things there that I swear I could make by drinking food colouring and laxitive and crapping on some paper that other people raved about and used as wallpapers or bought prints of. I've also seen things that I think are aresome and others wouldn't use to clean up the mess they make after watching the latest celebrity sex video. And that is ok! THAT is what deviantart was about! Sharing your work, no matter hot good or bad, with everyone, and let those who like it like it, and those who don't, don't.

If deviant art had started to propose tests to see who could join, to see whose "art" met the "devart standard" do you think the community would be a fraction as large? Would the site have a fraction the daily visitors? NO! Because we all loevd to go there to see what we could find! To see what some new obscure member made that would make us think or say "wicked sweet!"

So before you go on about how deviantart had fallen, or had become crap, think of why it really became that way, and think if it is really such a bad thing that the "less talented" artists were given a chance.

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Sounds like some weird conspiracy theory. I've been hesitant to use deviantart for awhile now because of such stories, so I haven't posted any of my art there just yet. Not that my art would be good enough to want to steal, but I still just don't feel safe putting it there. The community rocks because it gives artists a chance to see other works and chat, as well as post their own stuff just for fun or in hope of being recognized and possibly hired or commissioned, so this is really a shame. I love the concept, but hate the practice.

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Is really sad what is happening on dA. Not only a great admin like jark other great admin like matteo, attila, jasonvelocity are gone too. :no:

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Sometimes people need to throw their weight around to make themselves feel important, I guess. Sadly, it is often at the expense of others.

To me, it doesn't seem like being the king of an empty castle would be as much fun as being a prince in a castle full of happy subjects.

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Ouch! that's madness, I read the whole thing from top to bottom, and I fully agree with Jark, I belive that the conditions he states are very reasonable, I personally hope he regains control of!

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im not trying to be funny, but is this a spelling mistake?

"Scott Jarkoff"

should it be Scott Jark off?...

i had no idea anything was wrong with the web site, or what was going on behind the scenes. i know money is good, and money is great and all, but i think what Jark is doing, is the right thing. it's a great site, and should not be ruined by any means. this is gonna take a blow on the community...

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Wow... thats why deviant art is so crappy now.  you should NEVER have to pay to search a site and never have to put up with such slow crap that deviant art has become.  Oh well... hopefuly things get resolved.


I agree. "searchWord" courtesy of Google.

I think the whole thing is quite interesting.

Don't know who to believe.

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Don't know who to believe.


Well the internet archive ( doesn't lie...if what Angelo says is true...if he was a founder...why wasn't he listed on the staff Contact page in October 2000 a couple of months after they opened?

From: here


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if what Angelo says is true...if he was a founder...why wasn't he listed on the staff Contact page in October 2000 a couple of months after they opened?

It may not be about who got there first. It might be about who had the money to make it happen, and as a result, were able to get control of the majority of the shares.

Even if dude gets his 45% (up from 35%) if the other 55% is held by those two other guys, he's still gonna get fired, right?

It must be a kick in the gut to have something you poured your heart into be ripped away from you like that. I feel for the guy on that basis, but we live in a pretty cut-throat world and things like this happen often, unfortunately.

I guess part of the issue is going to be how the community is affected. I know that for me, I just want to be a part of a place where I can come an interact.

But it seems like most of the places you go in order to be able to interact, there are rules and egos and people who have agendas and want to control things. So even if you end up investing a lot of energy into being a part of the community and think you are doing ok, someone can come along and change things and kick you to the curb anytime they want to, for whatever reason they want to.

So all of those people who spent time and energy helping to create that community may now be forced to deal with the fact that this other guy is asserting his authority with his rules and his agenda, and the community members will either have to suck it up and deal or hit the road. As harsh as that is, it would seem to be the reality of it.

Sometimes things get personal and those in charge can get off on putting you under their thumb. Yeah, the rules are there, but most of them don't get enforced all that strictly perhaps, but if you get on the wrong side of somebody and they want you gone, they sure can use them to viscious effect if they want. Next thing you know, you are cut off from that community and have no recourse. Maybe the guy realizes what a devastating impact that can have on a person, but maybe he doesn't care. It's all about "being the man" and layin' the smack down on somebody who irritated you. No matter that they took away something that was special to you, something that was meaningful and important. Sometimes they just want to be right and get the satisfaction of putting the screws to you or somebody else, feelings and community be darned.

Anway, it sounds like party A was putting party B on notice and party B called their bluff. Guess that's why the world has lawyers.

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It may not be about who got there first.  It might be about who had the money to make it happen, and as a result, were able to get control of the majority of the shares.


Oh I agree that Angelo has no doubt helped to propel it to the level it is today. But his claiming that he was a 'founder from day one' on his plan simply isn't true.

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Even if dude gets his 45% (up from 35%) if the other 55% is held by those two other guys, he's still gonna get fired, right?


Actually, he demands/request that 15% will go (back?*) to the other guy he started it with so the "good guys" will have 60% ownership.

*idk if the other guy already has the 15% or not.

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