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TF2, WoW, CoH, SolSuite Solitare, Tetra Triad Extreme, Flight Sim X (The demo..), Soon to be Supreme Commander.. L4D (not so much)...

Pretty much anything I can get my hands on now for PC that I missed out when I had a slower end PC.. recommendations would be great .. :)

Disgaea on the DS right now. I'm 22 hours in and I'm still enjoying it quite a bit. There's definitely a lot of stuff to do, and I'm a little crazy when it comes to equipping and leveling my army.

On the 360, I'm determined to finish Oblivion once and for all. I've always dropped it in favor of something else, but since this is a bit of a dry period for the 360, I'm going to play through the main quest, at the very least.

Whenever me and my buddies get together for some ownage, it's usually Halo 3 (still!) or Bomberman Live. We would play Motorstorm, but we've got one guy who destroys everyone else, so that game is off limits now ;)

I've just finished my second play through of GTA4, as the first one preceded the trophy patch. Got myself a couple more trophies. I think I'll keep going and get the rest (except the online ones probably).

The 10 fights in 4 minutes one will be annoying I think, too many police around.

I got the counters trophy, thanks. :)

At first I misread it as "encounters" so ran around trying to beat everyone up...didn't end well.

Right now I'm doing stunt jumps, and I've lost about 200k from deaths. Some of the jumps take the ****. Especially as the tiniest little thing in GTA4 seems to send me flying or throw the bike off course.

And, talk about salt in the wound - I left the 2 boat jumps until the end, and when I did the last land one it said 2 left. I go to do the boat ones....already done one. :cry:

UFC demo on 360 :| :| :| :|

I'm so obsessed with it, even with a pretty large library of games :/

I know the feeling. I thought it was pretty lackluster when I first played it, and thought that THQ ruined another potential franchise. Then I gave it another go the next day with my brother, and we couldn't stop playing it!

I do think it's still a bit average though, even though I can't stop playing it. The quickest way to win is always to go for the flash KO. Just keep launching the special punches/kicks and you'll get it eventually. I sometimes get a TKO victory, but that's a bit rare. What's even rarer though is a submission victory. I find it almost impossible to lock a submission in, no matter how fast I spin the right stick! I managed to get it in twice before: one on my brother, and one on the AI, but that's it.

I'm planning to finally drag myself through Far Cry 2, I think I'm almost done, but I got bored with it pretty fast, hopefully i find new ways to make it interesting :p

Same here about FC2. The game was not that bad but still unfinished with it yet.

Currently playing: mostly GTA4 on PC and L4D sometimes :p

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