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I was wondering if anyone could hook me up with a Windows 98 STARTUP disk (not boot) that includes the following files:

IO.SYS ; System boot file.

MSDOS.SYS ; Boot option information (paths, multiboot, and so on).

DRVSPACE.BIN ; Microsoft DriveSpace compression driver.

CONFIG.SYS ; Loads the device drivers.

HIMEM.SYS ; Extended (XMS) Memory Manager.

COMMAND.COM ; Command interpreter.

AUTOEXEC.BAT ; A batch file which runs when you boot it.

ASPI2DOS.SYS ; Real-mode Adaptec CD-ROM driver.

ASPI4DOS.SYS ; Real-mode Adaptec CD-ROM driver.

ASPI8DOS.SYS ; Real-mode Adaptec CD-ROM driver.

ASPI8U2DOS.SYS ; Real-mode Adaptec CD-ROM driver.

ASPICD.SYS ; Real-mode Adaptec CD-ROM driver.

BTCDROM.SYS ; Mylex/BusLogic CD-ROM driver.

BTDOSM.SYS ; Mylex/BusLogic CD-ROM driver.

FLASHPT.SYS ; Mylex/BusLogic CD-ROM driver.

OAKCDROM.SYS ; Generic device driver for ATAPI CD-ROM drives.

SETRAMD.BAT ; Searches for first available drive to be a Ramdrive.

RAMDRIVE.SYS ; Creates a Ramdrive during startup.

FINDRAMD.EXE ; Utility to find the RAM drive during startup.

EXTRACT.EXE ; File to expand the file.

FDISK.EXE ; Disk partition tool.

SYS.COM ; System transfer tool.

EBD.SYS ; Disket identifier file (Windows 98 startup disk)

MODE.COM ; Lets you change console parameters

README.TXT ; Document file

EDB.CAB ; Cabinet (compressed) file containing the following

ATTRIB.EXE ; Add or remove file attributes.

CHKDSK.EXE ; Simpler and smaller disk status tool.

DEBUG.EXE ; Debug utility.

EDIT.COM ; Real-mode emergency text editor.

EXT.EXE ; File extract utility.

FORMAT.COM ; Disk format tool.

HELP.BAT ; Launches the readme.txt for the startup disk.

HELP.TXT ; Help text file.

MSCDEX.EXE ; Microsoft CD-ROM file extension for MS-DOS.

RESTART.COM ; Restart your computer.

SCANDISK.EXE ; Disk status tool.

SCANDISK.INI ; Disk status tool configuration file.

SYS.COM ; system transfer tool.

UNINSTAL.EXE ; Removes Win 98 and restores the previous state.

Thanks in advanced.

Email me @ or catch me on AIM: D1V1510N

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If you want to do a clean install of Win 98 simply use a Win 98 Start up disc. Boot off the flopy. at the line A: type in C: now that your at the C prompt tyoe in format c: /s that will erase the Hard drive. then reboot, choose start up with cd rom support then use the drive letter for the cd rom, should be E: then type setup and there you go install Win 98

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