Official NFL Season 2005 Thread

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Dam...I Had the thought of new england winning,But im a raiders Fan,But New england is a challenge wasnt going to be a walk in the park,the raiders did what they could.They will Learn from their mistakes and hopefully have less penalties in the future...Cause that was one flaw that the raiders have...way to many penalties. :pinch:

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the raiders all ways shot them self in the leg. its been with the raiders since LA

and you guys are right the raiders did good it wasnt like SF beat the raider. but the best team in the 2000's

@ BroChaos

woodson went to Michigan right, and he played CB and WR but my ? to you is, was he a better WR or CB?

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hey rap4life, chuck was a starter on D, and a much better CB. he only played WR in specific situations. he was also a very explosive punt returner. his 78yd return in '97 against ohio st. pretty much sealed the heisman trophy.

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1) The Radiers looked decent in the first half but then Kerry Collins came back to earth. Those first four possessions of the second half were horrendous. Good ol' Kerry started being his reliable old self and overthrowing guys buy a mile much more frequently in the second half, too. And get used to seeing Randy doing things like throwing down his defender (I think it was Samuel) and taking a dumb penalty when Kerry can't deliver him the ball becuase teams are doubling him (or even tripling) and Kerry thinks he can squeeze it in there anyway instead of going through his progressions.

2) I don't think the Raiders will be involved in any playoff races this season. They have an overhyped QB and coach. Plus on the defensive side they did not look that strong. Dillon only had a below-average game because New England didn't even HAVE to run the ball in the first half. When he needed to grind it out to eat some clock he pretty much had his way. I was impressed by LaMont Jordan though. I think spending those four years behind Martin helped him immensely.

3) Tom Brady was his usual calm cool incredible self. The guy just wins. Spreading the ball to eight guys in the first game of the season isn't easy. The Pats' pass blocking is superb. He had all day (granted against a team like Carolina it will probably be a different story).

4) Branch could have had an even bigger game if he didn't have one or two drops. I saw at least one more TD and mayb another 20-30 yards left on the field.

5) Ben Watson is going to be a great weapon for them.

6) The penalties point was already made but as said, that's become an innate part of the Raiders lol.

Those were my observations on tonight's game. How many home games is that without a loss for the Pats now? Anyone know the exact number? I know the streak's been going on since 2002.

Just found it. That was their 21st straight home win. Man, talk about home field advantage.

Edited by bigbluepride35
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The Pats looked great... However, I was surprised at how easily Oakland marched up the field on their first posession. I'll just chalk that up to open night jitters for the NE D. halfway through the 1st quarter they started to look more like themsleves.

Brady was cool, calm & collective as usual...

I totally agree with bigbluepride35 with regards to Ben Watson becomming a great weapon. He looked great last night. He's the first tight end I've seen that seems to play with any authority since Ben Coates played for NE.

As far as Oakland is concerned, Randy was taken out of the game and became a non threat. (technically I cant say non threat considering NE seemed to keep a minimum of two guys on him at all times and then sometimes 3).

Just my 2 cents after watching last nights game.

I'm so excited that football is back on :)

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As far as Oakland is concerned, Randy was taken out of the game and became a non threat. (technically I cant say non threat considering NE seemed to keep a minimum of two guys on him at all times and then sometimes 3).


I don't think he is as much of a threat as he used to be because he now has Collins throwing to him instead of Daunte.

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Not to make a big deal out of it or anything (like the media does sometimes) but did anyone notice Brady talking to Dillion on the sidelines after he was looking pretty upset at not being able to run the ball very well? I think he was just trying to fire him up, what do you all think? Or did you notice... looked heated, but not in a bad way.

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1)    The Radiers looked decent in the first half but then Kerry Collins came back to earth. Those first four possessions of the second half were horrendous. Good ol' Kerry started being his reliable old self and overthrowing guys buy a mile much more frequently in the second half, too. And get used to seeing Randy doing things like throwing down his defender (I think it was Samuel) and taking a dumb penalty when Kerry can't deliver him the ball becuase teams are doubling him (or even tripling) and Kerry thinks he can squeeze it in there anyway instead of going through his progressions.

kerry didnt have time to pass, and they played 1 WR 2 TE then 2 backs and didnt sand out the TE2 what was that all they had is moss and 2 backs out and the back were not open the pats had an angle on them to int. the ball. if you have 1 WR how can you win, porter didnt play the pre-season and was out of game shape and the 3rd WR couldnt play.

2)    I don't think the Raiders will be involved in any playoff races this season. They have an overhyped QB and coach. Plus on the defensive side they did not look that strong. Dillon only had a below-average game because New England didn't even HAVE to run the ball in the first half. When he needed to grind it out to eat some clock he pretty much had his way. I was impressed by LaMont Jordan though. I think spending those four years behind Martin helped him immensely.
dillion rush 23 time for 63 yds 2.7 avg and he got like 12 yds on the last Qrt. collins isnt overhyped collins did great aganst a good D (well great for collions against a good D). i was hoping that the raiders would win but i was happy to see them stick close to the pats untill the onside kick. the raiders can make it if they can win 4 of the 6 div. games last year the 2 losing seasons the raider were very close against the cheifs and 2 of the 4 games aganst Den. and SD only beat the raiders bad of the div game they beat them by 21,24, and 10. if they can stick with them and were bad the last 2 years then they can do good this year.
4)    Branch could have had an even bigger game if he didn't have one or two drops. I saw at least one more TD and mayb another 20-30 yards left on the field.

the raider gave up alot of big plays when they ran the 3-4

6)    The penalties point was already made but as said, that's become an innate part of the Raiders lol.

the raiders always shot them self even with the good raiders of the 80's

i think the raiders can have a none losing season this year(but most likely a none winning season too).

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kerry didnt have time to pass, and they played 1 WR 2 TE then 2 backs and didnt sand out the TE2 what was that all they had is moss and 2 backs out and the back were not open the pats had an angle on them to int. the ball. if you have 1 WR how can you win, porter didnt play the pre-season and was out of game shape and the 3rd WR couldnt play.

dillion rush 23 time for 63 yds 2.7 avg and he got like 12 yds on the last Qrt. collins isnt overhyped collins did great aganst a good D (well great for collions against a good D). i was hoping that the raiders would win but i was happy to see them stick close to the pats untill the onside kick. the raiders can make it if they can win 4 of the 6 div. games last year the 2 losing seasons the raider were very close against the cheifs and 2 of the 4 games aganst Den. and SD only beat the raiders bad of the div game they beat them by 21,24, and 10. if they can stick with them and were bad the last 2 years then they can do good this year.

the raider gave up alot of big plays when they ran the 3-4

the raiders always shot them self even with the good raiders of the 80's

i think the raiders can have a none losing season this year(but most likely a none winning season too).


Collins IS overhyped. If he's under the slightest pressure his mechanics suck and he throws wild. HOw many time did he overthrow guys last night? Anytime he has pressure he panics. I know this from seeing him with the Giants. I watched him every Sunday for for 5 years. Yeah he's got a cannon but if he gets flustered at all he becomes a train wreck (see the thrid quarter last night). His two big passes, to Moss and Jordan were short and only long because the receivers had nice runs after the catch. The two TD passes? He BETTER have completed those considering his TE was wide open. Collins' one good year with the Giants he choked in the Super Bowl. And remember he does hold the record for most fumbles in a season (with Culpepper, but at least he has an excuse. He's a mobile QB who took a lot of hits becuase he scrambled). Look best to you but Moss is going to quickly realize he had it GOOD in Minnesota with Culpepper and that will lead to a disgruntled Randy. He WILL be a distraction. Maybe since it's the Raiders they're used to it and can deal with it better but they're NOT going to figure in any playoff races, IMO. And that game wasn't as close as the score.

Not to make a big deal out of it or anything (like the media does sometimes) but did anyone notice Brady talking to Dillion on the sidelines after he was looking pretty upset at not being able to run the ball very well? I think he was just trying to fire him up, what do you all think? Or did you notice... looked heated, but not in a bad way.


Yeah I saw that. No big deal IMO. He was just a bit frustrated because they din't run at all in the first half. He still got 2 TDs and they won. He'll be fine. It was the first game of the season. I mena stuff like that goes on all the time on NFL sidelines. THey jsut happened to catch it on ABC.

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Quick analysis from the first games:

1.- Big Ben is showing that he was not a one-season wonder, opening strong, calm and mature in his first game. Now he is adquiring shape and is reminding me of a calm passer, like Brady.

2.- Clinton Portis is the moon of a starless sky at night. He didnt score but he did move the team. Ramsey did nothing, neither brunell. Portis is the tracks where the Redskins train is moving.

3.- About my team, the Broncos. Just dissapointing.

Edit: Another quicknote Culppeper - Moss = mediocre passer?

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Culpepper was a joke today...5 total turnovers?  How am I supposed to win a fantasy league with him as my starting QB?  Argh...


In the other hand. Tampa's rookie RB looks impressive :o Leading the NFL in his first game.

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Big Ben didn't exactly face a particularly tough defense. Good for him but I'd wait maybe four or five weeks to make final judgment on him.

My Giants' receiver need to catch the damn ball. Burress dropped as easy first down and Tyree jsut had one go off his hands and it was returned for a TD on an INT :angry:. O and I'm really liking Brandon Jacobs.

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Big Ben didn't exactly face a particularly tough defense.


No, but Titans defense is not mediocre either. Also the NFL is a lot more competitive today.

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No, but Titans defense is not mediocre either. Also the NFL is a lot more competitive today.


Well if Pitt can run like that with their THIRD string RB he'll be just fine lol.

O yeah, I'm DEFINITELY loving Jacobs lol.

edit> Ponder could....go....all....the.....WAY!! (And Jacobs gave a block to let him get around the corner :yes: ).

Edited by bigbluepride35
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Culpepper was a joke today...5 total turnovers?  How am I supposed to win a fantasy league with him as my starting QB?  Argh...


I never thought I would see the day in fantasy football that Culpepper would give someone negative points. This is another league I am in, not the Neowin one.
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Why is it that St. Louis always seems to manage to lose gmaes in which they should DESTROY their opponent? That's pathetic. Now watch S.F. goes 12-4 and puts me to shame for making this statement lol.

O and the same thing for Denver.

Way to go Dallas and Bledsoe. Even though they're my hated division rivals I just can't root against the Tuna (except when we have to play them).

Poor Brett. It's going to be a loooooooooooong season.

Pennington seemed just a taaaaaaad bit rusty.

My Giants looked good today. Offense, defense, and special teams. Of course it WAS Arizona so I'm just being cautiously optimistic lol. Eli didn't have to put up superstar numbers but he looked decent. His two INTS were on a deflection at the line and his receiver letting the ball go right through his hands. I love Brandon Jacobs (I think I mentioned that before) and Burress had a nice TD catch. Would have liked to see Amani Toomer actually be involved in the game but o well.

Edited by bigbluepride35
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A brilliant performance by the Steelers. It started out ugly, but after those first 5 minutes it was all good. All the forced turnovers, and Big Ben showing his true self, I felt good about the start of their season.

On another note, good job to the Miami Dolphins coaching staff on their good start.

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today was just a shock, overall. for so many teams. for the 49ers, dolphins, lions, to be winners (there are more too, just can't think) is pretty crazy.

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I never thought I would see the day in fantasy football that Culpepper would give someone negative points.  This is another league I am in, not the Neowin one.


Yep, -4.74 pts. in my league. Needless to say I am not doing well. Tp make it worse, I have TO and Westbrook for tonight, but alos ATL def. My opponent has McNabb. So of my guys score alot, McNabb will most likely score a lot as well and kill me Defensive points. Fantasy Football totally screws with how you watch games! :wacko:

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