coming soon: 5 bucks a gallon for gas

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Does anyone realize that if we were not dependant on oil (or the whole world for that matter), the middle east would cease to exist?


I completely agree.

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Oil is a FINITE resource. So as it runs low it is going to rocket in price. The prices will be astronomical compared to today's prices. I'm dreading what is going to happen when it finally does run out. It might get very messy.

What gets me is some people complain about the "high" U.S prices and drive around in a 4x4 (SUV) that has a fuel economy that is only just in double figures!

Solution? Only get a SUV if you actually go off-roading. If you drive on the freeway to work in it, then all you need is a 4 door  car. Try a Ford Focus. Even better, get a Smart.


when it runs out im movind to the mountains, Me and my gun god help us all.

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We already pay 1.73$ (1,41?) a litre, a gallon should cost you 4.2Lx$1.73 ($7.26)...that's why we europeans don't drive cars with 7litres V8 engines...and SUV's as large and aerodynamic as a garden shed...LOL

Edited by Tikimotel
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i wonder if they have smart cars biggrin.gif

They're being released next year baby! hahaha. And I know a Honda Civic has a 1.7...not sure how much smaller.

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Even thinking of the dealerships...if it really does go up that high, they'll have a hard time selling their cars if they run on gas.

Plus, people who take the bus will have to pay higher fares to ride it. Pretty unreal. Since I drive everywhere as an outside contractor, it's a definite concern.

Hard for me to jump on my 10-speed and make it to customer sites 50 miles away. I'm not Lance Armstrong! :laugh:

At least I've been getting good prices on my Diesel though - well, better than gassers anyway.

I guess we'll all have to wait and see...Glad all my customers are set with remote access to their sites. I really only have to visit some of them when hardware breaks, since I can do nearly everything remotely. Yeah VPN! ;)

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I honestly wish that martin / bush tackle this issue properly by building more refineries. Canada has it's own Crude Oil, but all of it goes to USA. We need to develop our resources and try to eventually eliminate the use of imported oil.

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I honestly wish that martin / bush tackle this issue properly by building more refineries. Canada has it's own Crude Oil, but all of it goes to USA. We need to develop our resources and try to eventually eliminate the use of imported oil.

even if they built new ones, it'd take years to finish and see relief in prices from them.

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That's nice. Maybe those people who told us back in the 90's that we should be paying the same rates as the Europeans will FINALLY SHUT UP :angry:

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That's nice.  Maybe those people who told us back in the 90's that we should be paying the same rates as the Europeans will FINALLY SHUT UP :angry:


But your still not paying the same rates, and even with an increase of a few dollars we would still be paying more.

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i know he ment $80 a barrel but i got a quick laugh  :laugh:

and if he didnt.....  :pinch:  time to buy a bike  :laugh:

but really just buy a bike and ride if your not going far


Thats oil, not gas.

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I dunno about Canada I remember alot of geography books saying we couldnt produce enough for our Country, Let it be Alberta is the main province for refining, but ever wonder how they got out of dept lol.

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I'm in Melbourne Australia and yesterday I paid $1.26 a litre. It cost me $63.47 to fill my car up. A full tank should last me 2 weeks. Said on the news last night we could be paying $1.40 sometime next week.

Can someone figure out our many litres in a gallon?? Would like to compare it to what you guys in the US pay.

50 Litres is 13.20 gallons. So in American if a gallon was $5.00 is would cost me $66.40 to fill up my car.


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It could happen, it probably will some day or another. But if i was trying to sell a book i would make sh!t up from the top of my head to further promote my book so people would buy it. Nothing like making up stories and promoting a book related to ur myths.

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what the hell is a trum?

He meant tram, I think :p

The problem with the dumb masses of America is that they're hypocrites. They drive around in SUVs with gas efficiencies that are like 10 MPG and they complain that gas costs too much. Seriously, who in the big cities or suburbs of America actually go off-roading on a regular basis? Need more passenger space? Buy a minivan, at least they're more efficient.

@sixnine:design: A gallon is 4.2 liters, IIRC.

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I honestly wish that martin / bush tackle this issue properly by building more refineries.? Canada has it's own Crude Oil, but all of it goes to USA.? We need to develop our resources and try to eventually eliminate the use of imported oil.


no no, Hydro-Quebec had released a wheel-motor like 7-8 years ago

that was a prototype and not so fast car but anyway. this kind of car would have get more tweak.

Any hybrid or hydrogen car should be considered right phoking now!

more cash in our pocket, less pollution

but one thing, usa didnt sign the kioto movement! so they dont care about pollution

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He meant tram, I think :p

The problem with the dumb masses of America is that they're hypocrites. They drive around in SUVs with gas efficiencies that are like 10 MPG and they complain that gas costs too much.


It always frusterates me when I hear those kind of comments. People with 4 door cars around here are feeling the cost. Even some crappy 4 doors are nasty on gas so those people complain too :ninja:

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everyone get a motorscooter! i have one that can go 50mph+ (governor removed) and runs on a 25:1 gas/oil ratio, however it can safely run on 20:3:7 gas/oil/vegetable oil (its a hard combo to mix but it gets about 20mpg)

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if you google

peak oil

i think thats a little scarier then 5 10 or 20 bucks a gallon, how about no more oil at all in 20 years.

take a second, and look around the room your in, i bet you cant point out a single item in your whole house that isent made with some sort of patrolium product, or its created with a machine that uses patrolium products.

i think our entire oil reserve would last the us something like 3 months at our CURENT daily usage, which climbs every year.

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I dont see why are government doesn't freeze the gas prices, we pay x.xx and they fork up hte difference, in case you haven't noticed, we are a few billion in debt with nothing to show for it, atleast a locked in cheap gas price would be a damn nice benefit of debt ;). Do you know how much those prices are hurting the economy right now? People dont want to drive to the store if they dont have to because it wastes gas.

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