coming soon: 5 bucks a gallon for gas

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The main problem is that people in the US do not like to drive cars that use wimpy 4 cyl. engines.

Americans need to wake up and smell some coffee. how can u call a 4 cylinder engine puny...

i swear to god, ever heard of a mistubushi evo, subaru impreaza, maybe they all use 4 cylinder engines, heck it might even burn ure V6 Mustang. :o

take a look around and realise you can recieve a saab with 315BHP from guess, a 4 cylinder engine..

u guys dont know jack about engine power, ure all flippin crackers.

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i for one hope that gas will be extinct when i reach driving age...heck...i ain spending 40 dolllars on gas...

maybe i wont even drive!

probably ride bike :D

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Because those arabic countries have invested soooooo much money in Europa and the USA that if we would stop buying there oil at any price, they start retracting their money and leaving us bankrupt, but leaving us bankrupt we will stop buying there oil, leaving it a black sticky worthless substance.......the end (of the world as we know it)


I think it's more to do with the money invested by Western businesses than the East. Eastern countries will benefit from the oil running out anyway, because they have another very important commodity: sunlight. With solar panels they can generate electricity that can be used to power hydrogen fuel cells - they can also be used to generate pure H2O needed so much by Arab/African countries, acting as a desalination plant.

Americans need to wake up and smell some coffee. how can u call a 4 cylinder engine puny...


Indeed... most American cars I've seen reviewed are very inefficient, whilst British cars like Jaguar are a lot more efficient (still awful cars, though - they guzzle up the fuel).

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And the whole "take the bus" "suggestion" is really stupid living in a place where the only bus route has stopped coming to altogether recently, and where you're lucky if you can call (on the phone) a cab to pick you up, especially when they wont ever come or come an hour late half the time. Oh, and bikes are a near impossible solution to this problem due to all the hills and mountains, and the extreme distances you'd need to travel to get to your job.

Believe it or not, there are many places where public transportation is limited to non-existent.

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Why pick on America? Gas prices are high everywhere, take a friggin look out the window. I can see it rising worldwide over the next few years and I can also see people finally getting fed up with it like we should be. It can only rise as high as we ourselves let it.


96 is running at about $1.40 per litre here in NZ. Dunno what that is is gallons.

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You cant control it so deal with it.

If at least half of the people who drive would not buy fuel for one day that would hurt the oil/gas companies enough to make them lower prices. The price of oil may have went up but it doesn't justify the ridiculous cost of gasoline.

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It costs OPEC $4 to fill a 50 gal barrel of crude; pumping, filling and all. However, opec members export for $50. None of the Americans on these forums should be complaining, as liberal judges, groups, and representatives won't let us drill for our own oil, and our votes have made them too powerful.

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I heard there is a gas station in charlotte that uses that "corn oil as an option." I dont know the spefic name and I know only a variety of cars run off of it.  Anyone know about this?


Willie Nelson is pusing BioDiesel now Link

We have a some people here in NZ who are running their cars solely off vegetable oil. Seems to go quite well too.

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Face it... petrol prices will just keep going up! In the UK we're used to it, so we don't bother complaing anymore. Very soon, we will get to ?1 per litre. That's about $1.80 USD!

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Willie Nelson is pusing BioDiesel now Link

We have a some people here in NZ who are running their cars solely off vegetable oil.  Seems to go quite well too.


Wonder what I can put in my Ford Escort 02 tank. Hmm....

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It costs OPEC $4 to fill a 50 gal barrel of crude; pumping, filling and all. However, opec members export for $50. None of the Americans on these forums should be complaining, as liberal judges, groups, and representatives won't let us drill for our own oil, and our votes have made them too powerful.


Powerchordpunk, you took the words right out of my mouth...if the "environmentalist wackos" (Rush Limbaugh term) would get out of our way, maybe we could...oh, I dunno...reduce our dependence on buying foreign oil @ $62 a f*****g barrel!!

<<Donning flame-proof body armor, underwear, etc.)


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Wonder what I can put in my Ford Escort 02 tank.  Hmm....


Escort! Lucky Bugger!

I'm in a 1.1 Litre Fiesta and it still costs nearly ?40 (that's $71.76 USD) to get myself a full tank! What size is ur Escort and how much does it cost to fill it?

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I don't care if Consumer Guide disses my Toyota Corolla; it gets some nicer gas mileage with a 1.8 liter engine than many other cars in America! The performance is good enough for me! :) Oh, but I need to have quick ass acceleration to hurry and press the brake at the next stop light! :woot: ...that's right.... :no: ...but there is much better gas mileage with other cars....

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I don't think that Bush is motivated in any way to fix the current situation with oil prices. He and his cronies are making money hand over fist. He is not concerned about us, he is concerned about HIS bottom line.

I personally am looking for a Delorian with a Mr. Fusion and a Flux Capacitor!

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I believe a republican senator recently visited Anchorage, Alaska, and proceded to taunt those opposing oil drilling in ANWR with "Opponents of ANWR cite that there isn't much oil or gas in ANWR; many opponents of drilling in ANWR are calling for drilling in the Naval Petroleum Reserve, which has less oil than ANWR - frankly their arguments don't make any sense to me."

The argument for oil exploration, drilling, and refining doesn't make sense to me.

Oil proponents are calling for the nation to invest more in a resource that we know will run out eventually. We're going to spend millions building new refineries, installing more drilling platforms in the oceans and in national refuges, and build billions of dollars worth of new machinery that runs on oil, such as 12-cylinder SUVs that give you 10MPG. And who benefits from all this? Automakers, politicians, oil companies. Who gets screwed? Everyone else.

Why exactly will prices drop if we invest more in oil? Will demand suddenly drop after we build new refineries and drill ANWR? Hell no. Domestic oil produces know that the public will pay 3$ a gallon for gas. Would they charge less out of the goodness of their hearts? Don't bet your life.

The truth is, domestic producers will charge just as much as foreign producers, because they really can screw you up the ass and get away with it.

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If at least half of the people who drive would not buy fuel for one day that would hurt the oil/gas companies enough to make them lower prices. The price of oil may have went up but it doesn't justify the ridiculous cost of gasoline.


its been tried, remember? it didn't work, you cant convince people to not buy gas when the needle points to E, getting to where they want to go costs money, and they will deal with it.

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its been tried, remember?  it didn't work, you cant convince people to not buy gas when the needle points to E, getting to where they want to go costs money, and they will deal with it.


correction: ...getting where they NEED to go! ;) To me, it's a crime to profit heavily from gas, because I would think that it is inelastic- in reality, people need gas in the industrialized, non-urban-center-oriented (meaning, not everything is accessible within walking distance...I can't remember the correct word for it right now) communities!

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You are looking for the product called E85.  It's basically 85% ethanol, and 15% gasoline, average price right now, is at $1.59/gal.  THere are currently about 400 of these E85 gas stations around in the U.S.


can you use that in a normal gas based car?

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The next fad I imagine will be conversion kits for diesel cars... I work for a company that specialises in biodiesel (oil refined using methanol that you can put in a diesel car) and conversion kits that allow you to run your car on vegetable oil. Veggie oil only costs 60p per litre (after the tax you have to pay) instead of the regular 92p at the pumps - that and it is carbon neutral, meaning that there is no pollution as such.

You start your car on diesel and once the engine is warmed up you flick a switch and the car runs on the vegetable oil... the added advantage being that the exhaust doesn't smell at all. The look on people's faces when you fill up the car is priceless.

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you might be thinking of using public transport, but now in britain prices for that are going through the roof as well...

?3.00 for a day saver, wtf is that all about, its only gonna be around ?400 a year more to run a car, and u get the complete convience of getting in the car when u want instead of waiting for busses, so i dont really care what petrol prices are because soon u'll get a 0.6L petrol developing 300bhp that flies, because technology advances...

Hydrogen works exactly the same way as petrol, its a combustion type of energy, so as soon that is developed hydrogen will produce the same amount of power as a petrol..

The limiting factor why most ppl dont switch i think is because of the power loss u recieve from going to electric or watever, i mean a guy aint gonna convert his scooby to electric instead of putting premium unleaded in his car is he;);)

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