Sephiroth IS HERE - new FF7ac clip

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its comes out on the same day in the USA as Japan, September 17 I believe, that what the E3 trailer said anyways


hmm in that case i'll have to order mine from the US so that i get english subtitles. does anyone know any good anime/dvd sites that ships internationally?

hmm in that case i'll have to order mine from the US so that i get english subtitles


I figured the reason why it is taking so long to release is because they are doing two versions, an English one and a Japanese one? So the English version won't just be a dub or have subtitles.

but then wont it be in jappanesse?

if i have to watch it with subtitle then **** it not watching it


That attitude is the reason we don't get more foreign movies in theaters in the US.

An animation I can see people wanting dubbed in their language. But for movies as a whole, I'd prefer the original language. The characters just aren't the same without their voices. Not blaming you pesonally Tronix, just ranting.

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