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  Draginol said:
Specifically he's using:

ObjectBar to do the System Tray thing in the top left.

ObjectDock for the dock at the bottom using a in front skin for the grass.

Samurize for the display meters.


Do you know which exactly config he's using for the display meter (Samurize)?

Also for the wallpaper, same exact one?


Ok, a couple of things- first, i searched google images for longhorn wallpapers and didn't find it. (similar ones, but not as good) Plus, im on dialup atm, so if someone could give me a direct link i'd be really grateful.

About the samurize config, i searched nearly the entire config database at and didn't find it. help?

Sorry but I don't understand what you mean by "none of the grass in showing in that picture".

If you are refering to the grass that is shown in that screenshot (where the objectdock icons are behind it), I believe that is custom-made and has nothing to do with the wallpaper whatsoever.

Hope this clear some doubts. :)

  ryukava said:
Sorry but I don't understand what you mean by "none of the grass in showing in that picture".

If you are refering to the grass that is shown in that screenshot (where the objectdock icons are behind it), I believe that is custom-made and has nothing to do with the wallpaper whatsoever.

Hope this clear some doubts. :)


i think he means the grass looks funny.

  burning_jonny said:
That is one sweet-@ss dock...

How did he do that effect and where can I d/l it?


what effect? it's just a normal dock. i don't see anything special about it.

try objectdock, y'z dock (no links allowed), mobydock, rklauncher, or rocketdock.

  Icefingers said:
I really like that skin for samuerize, i was wondering if any one had the .sam config file for it to look something like that...minimal with a calender and weather, any one have anything?


you could pm the member and ask him for the config, but it looks easy enough to re-create. it's just a bunch of meters and some boxes.

  • 1 month later...

Nah, it's not old enough to kill you for that.

However, you might get killed for having uncensored profanity in your SS, posting an SS that's (arguably) too big in resolution, and not posting the SS in the September Desktops thread where it should probably been posted in the first place.

With that out of the way, it still needs some work, but it's not too bad. The Samurize (I assume) config looks nice.

Whoops, edited it a bit... also scaled it down.

Yup, its samurize. I think i'm going to try to integrate the task bar into the wallpaper by adding some grass onto it, via samurize (think thats possible)

If anyone is interested (and can tell me how i package this config up) i will upload it.

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