how to change mouse pointer in gnome

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you could also do it the old fashioned way, download your cursor theme and extract it into:


Now create a folder in that directory named "default"

mkdir ~/.icons/default

Now inside the ~/.icons/default/ folder, create a file named index.theme

touch ~/.icons/default/index.theme

and add the following lines:

[Icon Theme]

where theme_name is the name of the folder of the icon theme you downloaded.

Here's a link to gcursor ->

Just put the cursor files in ~/.icons.

Remember that you'll have to log out and back in for it to take effect in most apps. The next version of gtk will change the cursor on the fly. I have also found that restarting metacity will load the new cursors in most apps. Just run -> killall metacity, in a console. It will restart metacity and load the cursor theme. It's a little quicker than logging out and back in.

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