AlphaPrime Posted August 29, 2005 Share Posted August 29, 2005 DS is a gimmick. PSP follows the GBA path. But the games on both systems just aren't that good. And their upcoming releases don't seem that great either. PSP has too many racing games and sport titles. DS has too many games that don't push the system or put it's features to actual good use. Hopefully we'll see some better quality titles next year. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
notuptome2004 Posted August 29, 2005 Share Posted August 29, 2005 Miran said: Why would anyone with an iPod, a laptop, or a good cell phone need all that crap? What a waste of time. 586447725[/snapback] it is called Entertainment and portabilty . can you take your laptop to ever starbucks or holtel you see ' well sure ya could but it be a hassle to carry around after awile in and out of places . but witha PSP it is no hasle. oh yea 1 otehr thing it can do via emulators play GBA games NES and SNES and Sega and many others Emulators and roms Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Xtreme $niper Posted August 29, 2005 Share Posted August 29, 2005 obake said: Ah, Sony, I love you!It's so fun seeing all you DS fanboys get all riled up because someone's saying something you don't like. I agree 110% with Sony. The touch screen on the DS is a gimmick and nothing more. Nintendo needs to start making some good games, because, c'mon, Nintendogs? WTF is Nintendogs? That said, I certainly understand why some people are anti-PSP. Sure, it may be nothing more than a glorified, portable PS2, but is that really such a bad thing? The way I see it, not in the slightest. 586446541[/snapback] Yeah thats why Nintendogs got a 9.1 rating on Gamespot. Just .2 less than Halo 2's rating. Get over yourself, just because you like PSP more doesn't mean DS is a gimmick. And the PSP being a portable PS2 is a bad thing because of all people, Sony is calling Nintendo unoriginal when Sony is doing the least innovation. Besides, why would you buy a PSP if you already have a PS2? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ahhell Posted August 29, 2005 Share Posted August 29, 2005 Typical Sony arrogance. *sigh* Personally, I think all portable systems are "gimmicks". Unless you do a lot of travelling they are kind of useless. More people are likely to buy a DS on price alone. The PSP is WAY overpriced. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gigapixels Veteran Posted August 29, 2005 Veteran Share Posted August 29, 2005 Xtreme $niper said: Yeah thats why Nintendogs got a 9.1 rating on Gamespot. Just .2 less than Halo 2's rating. Get over yourself, just because you like PSP more doesn't mean DS is a gimmick.And the PSP being a portable PS2 is a bad thing because of all people, Sony is calling Nintendo unoriginal when Sony is doing the least innovation. Besides, why would you buy a PSP if you already have a PS2? 586448502[/snapback] Because it's portable? I don't know... Makes sense to me... (Don't get me wrong - I own neither of the systems, nor do I game much anymore (just the classic SNES every once in a while), I just figured it was kind of obvious. Plus, how is turning something that sat on your desk and had to be hooked up to a TV into something small, handheld, and portable NOT innovation?) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThunderRiver Posted August 29, 2005 Share Posted August 29, 2005 Surrieall said: Er... Bought a PS2 a year after it came out and it's still working perfectly. It's not that Sony makes bad products, it's that people can't handle taking care of it. You drop it 5 times, then it breaks and you blame it on Sony. It's the most delicate of the current systems but if you take care of it, it won't break. And I've never had a Disk Read Error either. 586447580[/snapback] Stuff breaks... your case alone does not apply to general domain. Even with Sony Six Sigma, there will always be theoretically few units breaking down out of many. The matter does get complicated since PS2 is not made out of a single part. It is made out of multiple components. One IC burns out or shorts, the whole unit goes poop. Isn't that easy to understand? Sure, you can blame users for their mishandling. I personally handle electronics very carefully, but like I said, stuff does break. You can't guarantee it to work for indefinite amount of time. I suppose my point is more stressed on Sony warranty. As I said before, Sony warranty is good for NOTHING. They intentioanlly make their warranty so short that when a unit dies, you are expect to pay for price of a new unit + more for any types of repairs. That's quite lame actually. Obviously, I had to buy units from places like BestBuy because Sony sucks at maintaining its products. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AlphaPrime Posted August 29, 2005 Share Posted August 29, 2005 ThunderRiver said: I suppose my point is more stressed on Sony warranty. As I said before, Sony warranty is good for NOTHING. They intentioanlly make their warranty so short that when a unit dies, you are expect to pay for price of a new unit + more for any types of repairs. Hmm, where I live, Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo all have the same one year warranty. And to be fair, you hear more reports about broken PS2s than broken consoles by the other companies because much more people have a PS2 than an Xbox or GameCube. Their failure rate could be similar to the others. Nintendo or Microsoft aren't perfect with hardware either, I've had problems with two Nintendo consoles I've owned, a SNES didn't even work after about a year (and I take a lot of care with them). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dinner123 Posted August 29, 2005 Share Posted August 29, 2005 fubarshibby said: Plus, how is turning something that sat on your desk and had to be hooked up to a TV into something small, handheld, and portable NOT innovation?) 586448566[/snapback] because nintendo have been doing that with their handhelds years before Sony.:ermm: The GBA had many SNES games released on it, the GBC had NES games released on it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
notuptome2004 Posted August 29, 2005 Share Posted August 29, 2005 dinner123 said: because nintendo have been doing that with their handhelds years before Sony.:ermm: The GBA had many SNES games released on it, the GBC had NES games released on it 586449028[/snapback] Ok how untill now handheld gameing system Never reached graphicle nore cpacity wize for the size of the game that wason its home based system. PSP as sony as siad is not a Portable PS2 it is a Prtable entertianment system it houses differant and new games no on PS2 in all regaurds to possable differant versiosn of gams design for the system that could be simuler to one on the PS2 but is a whole new game entirely Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
1759 Posted August 29, 2005 Share Posted August 29, 2005 ahhell said: More people are likely to buy a DS on price alone. The PSP is WAY overpriced. 586448546[/snapback] The price does matter, but do so do the games, if there was a kick-ass version of F-Zero or similar for the DS, I'd consider getting a DS. As for the PSP being overpriced not really, IMO, if you compare it other gadgets like a PDA or iPod, etc. A PS2 is $150, add on a small LCD, that's another $100 or so, plus you still need to power it. A PSP has all of that plus WiFi and a MS Duo slot. Even the game prices aren't that bad, and one the game library grows, titles will start falling to the $20-30 range. Only thing missing are more/varied games for both systems, the DS selection doesn't appeal to me at all, whereas only 2 have appealed to me for the PSP. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
x-byte Posted August 30, 2005 Share Posted August 30, 2005 DiEMOS said: lol, this thread is funny :)Get the one you think is more fit for you. ex: if you are between the ages 7 & 16 = DS if you are older = PSP nuff said 586446634[/snapback] There's some bull**** right there... I even know many 30 + of age which owns a DS. And the average age in the DS board at IGN is over 20, about 60 users. DS have more enjoyable games so far than the PSP have. People mostly use the PSP to anything else than gaming, just look at how very little PSP games compared to DS is sold so far. So you really should say the the PSP is a gimmick. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MjolnirMan Posted August 30, 2005 Share Posted August 30, 2005 You know, if I recall correctly, there WAS one other handheld system who called Nintendo "kiddie" and built a campaign around having a handheld for more mature audiences. Does anybody remember what that handheld was? With better graphics than Nintendo's system at the time? Anybody? Oh right, the N-GAGE. The system that a Gamestop employee started joking harshly about when he saw me button-mashing a demo unit and cursing. Yeah, that really showed Nintendo. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AlphaPrime Posted August 30, 2005 Share Posted August 30, 2005 GameGear > All :pinch: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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