Fantastic Mortal Kombat movie

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Ahhh, screw the game, check out the FMV that starts it :D

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Brings back memories of MK 1 and 2 on the MD :happy: "Come 'ere!", classic moves from Sub Zero, ahhh good old days :D I've not played a MK game since 3 and that was like 10 years ago, ever the inferior to SFII but you couldn't help but love it :D The video is packed full of trademark moves, quality :happy:

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Sub-Zero is the best person in the game still know how to his freezing move on the Super Nes because its the same for Ryu in Street Fighter, played the newer onces they didn't have the same touch to them.

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Old school mortal kombat was awesome back in the days and prolly is today. I enjoy it more than these new generation mortal kombat games. There was so many types of fatalities to do for each character.

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That movie was fun to watch.

I remember blowing many rolls of quarters on MK2.

I use to love morphing with Shang Tsung, and using the soul stealing fatality.

Why does Goro have 4 pec muscles, and only 2 nipples in that movie? :laugh:

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Why does Goro have 4 pec muscles, and only 2 nipples in that movie?  :laugh:


Aren't you picky :) To me all models should've been better, they look skinny, bad textures, and the faces are horrible. Deadlly alliance and Deception had better.

However, the animation and the moves look awesome. I watched kung Lao throwing and catching the hat about 20 times in a row. It was just too cool. And the way they put all the special moves/fatalities together makes perfect sense (if possible) for a real fight.

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awesome movie

the last time i got that gut churning feeling was watching the halo 2 teaser vid back in like 2003.


pfft you cant compare the old school ness of this to halo2.....

but ill admit although it isnt the best cg it was cool. Ill admit to smiling and even lauging at a few parts of it.

pretty bad ass.

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