MSN Messenger .NET 5.0.0317

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all the test passport environments are basically the same as the regular environment but, with -int after ex,

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Originally posted by hkey_root

It's quite allright. I would have done the same had positions been reversed. I hang out with Wickedkitten and I don't know anybody that can be anymore blunt than her.

I tend to jump gun occassionally. Apoligizies.

I'm sorry too... i've been in a real bad mood tonight - weirdo things have been happening tonight.

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Originally posted by pHaez

all the test passport environments are basically the same as the regular environment but, with -int after ex,

tisk tisk

It works fine in the current manga environ too...tho it was designed for the MSN test integration (INT) environ.

:p Who are you? ;-) PM if you'd like...

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Originally posted by BuG

so we are on the good size ??? /me dont follow :D

huh? basically what happened is Trade Wind is a beta tester or has something to do with microsoft (tester or developer or bill himself! hehe) and pHaez has been hacking around with the new build of msn for the last couple of hours trying to get the new msn messenger to work with our "live" .NET passports instead of the test passports in the test database.

pHaez how you going?

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Originally posted by Trade Wind

There would be no point! Your "live" .NET Passports would not work in that environment. You would not be able to even add users in the test environments that are in the live environments. The user database is not shared.

I get ya. As you say, no point. I hope someone hacks this soon. :o)

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Originally posted by SouL2kEEp

wellllll ?????????

where is everybody ?

am i looking at the wrong thread ???



hehe i feel ya pain. im waiting too ;)

still going pHaez or given up? :|

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well we could be looking at a MSN 8 ripped mesenger...

if you use MSN Explorer with XP you can see how good layout-wise the messenger looks like... but its still msn 4.7 !

im waiting for the sp1 1073 to download at the moment ... ISDN sucks big time :D

Iam hitting the beach in a few hours .. anyone care to join me ?

When i say Ayia u say Napa !



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'Sup all . I thought maybe some of you would like the entire collection of msn/windows messenger jingles ; so here they are , and some pictures with the new Microsoft?Network Messenger 5 .NET

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Looks like this may be working....


click on that folder in Server add;

and in TestServerEcho add;

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Originally posted by byte

Looks like this may be working....


click on that folder in Server add;

and in TestServerEcho add;

thanks for the tip :dead:

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