Nintendo Revolution Controller Revealed

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Everything here are people speculating. We have seen the controller and the game console itself. How do we know that a steering wheel and other accessories won't be available when the unit is released? We don't. No sense in debating this, lets wait and see the final product.

Clearly you are not old enough to drive, because in the real world , one must turn the steering wheel more than 360 degrees in one direction (left or right ) to make a perpindicular turn.

In a racing simulator, the same steering principles would apply.  Try spinning that controller 720 degrees clockwise and see how much fun a racing simulator would be :wacko:


One of my roommate in colleges had a steering wheel for GT4, I could be wrong don't really recall having to turn the steering wheel 360 in that game. Turning the steering wheel 90 degrees made the car do a sharp right, which would eventually rotate the car around 180 degrees if you had enough room.

@Spartan_X: IGN clearly said these are not games for the Revolution, they were showing possibilities for the controller. Read the article, they use Black and White and Rome: Total War from the PC as examples too so it is pretty obvious it is not for the Revolution.

Clearly you are not old enough to drive, because in the real world , one turns the steering wheel more than 360 degrees in one direction (left or right ) to make a perpindicular turn.

In a racing simulator, the same steering principles would apply.? Try spinning that controller 720 degrees clockwise and see how much fun a racing simulator would be:wacko::


LOL! No it's just about how sensitive the "controller" is. You can adjust it. Don't make a fool of yourself..


Wow that is small. They were right when they said it was about the size of an ipod earlier this morning.

*Edit: Holy crap awesome video demo on that page. THAT VIDEO NEEDS TO BE WATCHED BY EVERYONE.

Edited by jmole
-bYtE,Sep 16 2005, 00:40]LOL!?? No it's just about how sensitive the "controller" is. You can adjust it. Don't make a fool of yourself..


No need to sound condescending - especially when you don't see the point of what was said. I would imagine that at the age of 22 you would havsomei> experience driving... and if not surely you have seen someone drive at one point or another in your life.

Altering the sensitivity of the controller won't make much difference at all (looking at the big picture, here)... either one is physically restricted in rotating the controller (as it is hopelessly impossible to rotatthati> controller 720 or 1080 degrees), or one waters-down the sensitivity of the 'tilt-sensor' and removes anrealismi> from the racing simulator.

Edited by joekr
No need to sound condescending - especially when you don't see the point of what was said.? I would imagine that at the age of 22 you would havesome> experience driving... and if not surely you have seen someone drive at one point or another in your life.

Altering the sensitivity of the controller won't make much difference at all (looking at the big picture, here)... either one is physically restricted in rotating the controller (as it is hopelessly impossible to rotatethat> controller 720 or 1080 degrees), or one waters-down the sensitivity of the 'tilt-sensor' and removes anyrealism> from the racing simulator.


I wasn't talking about the sensitivity on the Rev controller. I was talking about the steering weel in games...

It won't be a problem since you can tilt it atleast 90 degrees. I really don't see the problem. You would't have to rotate it 720 degrees at all....

LOL it's WAY to small, you have to remember most of you have larger hands than these people. Still convinced they won't be pain to use?


Watch the video, it doesn't look that painful. People hold TV remote controls for long periods of time all the time, they should be used to it. You hold a controller up to play games, how is holding this tiny remote going to be any more painful? I thought it would look painful at first, but I remembered how much I hold remotes in my hand for the TV and such, it doesn't seem like it would hurt that much. Its square like the original NES controller too and I didn't have many problems with that.
Watch the video, it doesn't look that painful.  People hold TV remote controls for long periods of time all the time, they should be used to it.  You hold a controller up to play games, how is holding this tiny remote going to be any more painful?  I thought it would look painful at first, but I remembered how much I hold remotes in my hand for the TV and such, it doesn't seem like it would hurt that much.


No they dont, atleast the people I know. Does anybody else hold their remote for long periods of time ? :unsure:

No they dont, atleast the people I know.  Does anybody else hold their remote for long periods of time ? :unsure:


I hold my TV remote for like 4 hours watching football games because I always flip to other games between commercials.

Video was uped to IGN, better quality: IGN

hey all heres my 2 cents... I love Nintendo, but someone really needs to smack them and wake them up! This is the same mistake they made with the N64 and Gamecube- they made a controller for mario and... nothing else! Miyamoto had a big hand int he N64 and GC controllers and he designed it for his games, and they are perfect for mario- but.. nothing else. How am i gunna use this controller with a street fighter game? its just weird.

hey all heres my 2 cents...  I love Nintendo, but someone really needs to smack them and wake them up! This is the same mistake they made with the N64 and Gamecube- they made a controller for mario and... nothing else! Miyamoto had a big hand int he N64 and GC controllers and he designed it for his games, and they are perfect for mario- but.. nothing else.  How am i gunna use this controller with a street fighter game? its just weird.


I really dont see how you can justify them as mistakes.

People are forgetting that even though this remote is so small, it can be put in skins and such for different purposes. Also, the design of the control is not final yet, and to truly judge it, one really has to use it to either say it's stupid or not in reality. But the possibilities are definetely, in my view, insane.

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