Finally! Glass for XP!

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this doesn't really do it for me.. im glad people like it coz i know it is a lot of work to do that since I make WindowBlinds myself but it almost detracts from usability because there's no blur to set the windows apart.. obviously because XP is incapable of this. But it's cool to use for when you just feel like messing around :)


WB5 will allow XP to do Glass

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this is no glass, just empty space, wen u click on it to drag it wont drag, since u didnt select anythin

and theres difrence between transparency and glass since glass is translucent not transparent it is partly transparent and contains more than one layers :)

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cool got it working, but i hate it how u cant click the transparent part to a) choose that window, or b) drag da window!

is there a way to do that. so even tho its class, if u click it u can drag that window round etc?

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i already explained...o_O

to make something transparent in xp like the window borders u practicly dont put anything there just a line around it to show where the border ends, in vista this is done by layered windows

u can make layered windows in xp but i dont think u can add content to it so ull wont be able to do anythin with at window

and its not glass it is nothin its not even transparent, and vista isnt transparent either it is translucent

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you for the skin. It's very nice. Once you go to "User Overrides" and set the font to Airal Unicode MS or to Seguo UI, it solves the blocky text issue. The only two points I have to make about this theme are that 1, it's not really "glass" because it isn't translucent, it's more like a non-existing bored that has a line around it because it is totally 100% transparent.....and 2, there are very few places you can click to drag or move windows with this theme. It's a very good effort, probably the best I've seen so far...but since the "blurry" glass effect isnt possible without Vista or WindowBlinds 5, maybe you could alter an alternative shellstyle where the titlebar would not be "glassed" and would be filled in all the way across and only "clear" around the sides and bottom...that way it solves the clicking on nothing problem.

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