RIAA moves to the dark side

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It always makes me laugh to see big business absolutely refusing to change their models to adapt to the always changing marketplace.

Let the RIAA waste all their time and money trying to go back-in-time to when customers had no choice but to pay $20 for a CD.

Hello, times have changed, and you have to change too. Same goes with the MPAA. Find NEW ways to make your products relevant, cost-efficient and desirable, because you can't hold on to the past forever guys.

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Lol RIAA ... hahaha ill sue them , and if i win ill spend all my money to make my own p2p software :) ( domain , hosting ) Called RIAA Downloads :) to **** them off.


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greed is the first thing that will make one go to the darkside....they are all p***ed off because they cannot collect their royalties from all of that "illegal" music. :angry: :angry: Screw 'em!!

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The RIAA is out of their damn mind. There is NOOOOO way in hell they are ever going to stop piracy. It will NOT happen and i've said this over and over. It's kind of like the government trying to stop illegal drugs from circulating and being used. Sure, they might be able to slow it down for a month, but the next month it will come on stronger then ever. I remember back in the day when AOL was the place to get warez/music. AOL put an end to that and yet....piracy is still here.

They have a completely idiotic way of looking at things. They try and say the music industry is the one getting hurt mostly by this, which is rediculous. Musicians make nothing in CD revenue compared to t-shirts, concerts, etc..The only celebrities that are hurt by piracy are the actors. However, I know tons of people who would rather go out and spend money on a DVD then on a CD. So they aren't going broke by no means. If anything, I believe the music floating around illegally is helping them. I've stumbled upon so many good bands from downloading a song that I would NEVER have went out and bought. I liked the band and then paid money to see them in concert.

For those crying, "how is this legal"....read the article. It's not malware. It's a program that has to be installed by the owner of the computer. As many have said before me in this thread, it's more for parents/admins of people who use computers to remove p2p programs if they don't know how to themselves. The RIAA may be a bunch of idiots as far as "ending" piracy is concerned, but I guarantee they are not stupid when it comes to laws.

and yea....the RIAA has been on the darkside forever. They became public idiots when they began to prosecute 10 year olds.

EDIT: ya know, there are so many more important things going on in this country and this world that could use the attention these greedy, money hungry bastards are throwing at their cause. for them, it's a money pit. They truelly are spending more money on this then they are actually loosing from it. How about huge organizations start throwing their efforts to poverty, hunger, disease, etc....atleast the money will be spent towards something that NEEDS to be stopped.

Edited by echo
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ok um http://www.ifpi.org/site-content/press/20050922.html for the IFPA (not the RIAA) site in wich this software is talked about. Im against the RIAA and orgs like it but i dont see an instance where its said that it will be included in a software install or forceably installed on your computer without your knowladge. Yes it is malware from our prospective but it is YOU who has to choose to install it first.

Digital File Check is an initiative aimed at all computer users, as well as organisations. It could be especially useful for parents who want to encourage their children to enjoy music responsibly on the internet. It is free, voluntary and for private use only and does not tip-off any anti-piracy organisations.

thats incase you didnt read anything or read the partial artical included on link giveing at the beginning. Yeah they failed to include that in their rant.

comence flameing

Edit : ^ beat me to it

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yea how can the dark side move to the darkside, doesnt really work that way, lol.

anyhow, yea this isnt legal, i think its more illegal than what the pirates do.

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do you people read or just blindly type what you feal like typeing... it is legal and they can do it, its not malware you have to install it. its your choice weather or not to install it

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This is not Malware this stupid program is available for dumb people who don't know if their kids installed P2P app, and want to remove it.


Whats this software called and where can i find it ? I wanna test it out LOL.

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do you people read or just blindly type what you feal like typeing... it is legal and they can do it, its not malware you have to install it. its your choice weather or not to install it


well its kinda our choice, i mean they hide it in there and sometimes its in the eula but there are times that spyware such as this isnt stated in there. look it might be technicaly legal, but its still low and evil though it does fit the riaa's ways.

off topic, starcom826, i love the quote in your sig, what is the name of that song?

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well its kinda our choice, i mean they hide it in there and sometimes its in the eula but there are times that spyware such as this isnt stated in there.  look it might be technicaly legal, but its still low and evil though it does fit the riaa's ways. 

off topic, starcom826, i love the quote in your sig, what is the name of that song?


yes it is wrong if they include it in lets say a cd (make it so you must run this program that automaticaly disables and or uninstalls all p2p apps and removes the contents of the shared folder to be able to rip or otherwise copy the cd) or makes its way into some apps and it automaticly uninstalls the p2p apps and erases the contents of "my shared folder" but realy its all good as long as it stays in its current state and aslong as we still have a choice to install it or not. The RIAA is the dark side and the MPAA are posers. God forbid this ever ends up as M.A.D.M.O.M (mothers unite against downloaded music or movies) or something to that nature.. many people will be in trouble then :p

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I'm with the RIAA, if poeple would be playing by the law, this wouldn't be happening. 



the fact is, this doesnt target people who share music or movies, this targets everybody who uses P2P.

also, nothing is stopping them from automatically running this on music cd's, i cant remember what the name of it is, but there is some "anti-piracy" software on some music cd's, wether or not you agree to install it, it's installed anyway, breaks copying any audio from any cd, until it's removed.

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personally i reckon that music 'sharing' helps artists...because people are able to access more content, and find out about more artists and therefore decide to go to concerts as a result.

heck...how is a new band supposed to get people to listen to their music when it first comes out...like im not going to just go buy some cd from a band ive never heard of before...

like come on... the only people really being affected are the RIAA...and they should just try to get with the times and find a different way in which they can make money instead of wasting all their money similar stuff to this :yes:

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