RIAA moves to the dark side

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Hasnt the RIAA always been on the dark side?


true that,

when were they "good guys"?

By the way where can I download this amazing RIAA piece of software?

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I think the recent ipod craze has given people more incentive to push towards digital music formats. The RIAA and MPAA need to get with the program and start pushing digital sales, without DRM, otherwise people are going to realise there are alternatives where they can obtain it DRM and cost free.

As for this application, as long as it isnt forced, which it doesnt say it is, then I guess its not that bad. However these applications wouldnt be necessary if the RIAA stopped living in the past.

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The artists barely make any money of the sell of a CD anyway. The artist makes there money doing concerts. They barely see a dime from CD sales. You can sell a couple million cd's and only get like 50,000 to 100,000 when the record company gets millions. This is why a lot of artists don't really give a damn about file sharing. It helps them more than anything



Here's an article about just that topic by Steve Albini of former (or still?) Big Black fame

The Problem with music.

It's a bit of a read, but sure worth it.

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I absolutely despise the RIAA but did anyone read this article? First of all it was IFPI that released this software, and it is not malware, its software that you can install on your system to remove any file sharing software etc. There is no mention of it being installed maliciously or anything. It's total propaganda but its not malware, as I can see how a parent might use this on their kid's computer if they weren't tech savvy and were afraid of getting sued.


Why would I want to do such a thing?

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