Why is Windows ME unstable?

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Windows ME is bad because Microsoft would rather forget it.

When Windows XP came out, they used Windows 98 SE as a comparison to the new OS :p

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windows me unstable because, they did a crappy job!!!

God that was the worst experience I had, constant crashing, always some stupid errors popups out of no where, you have restart to get rid of it after restart you get BSOD :cry:


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windows me unstable because, they did a crappy job!!!

God that was the worst experience I had, constant crashing, always some stupid errors popups out of no where, you have restart to get rid of it after restart you get BSOD  :cry:



lol poor you. Thats bad though. Dont know why some had problems, and others. No problems at all.

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Think about it from Microsoft's point of view. They knew that Me was the last in the line. The only parts of Me that would survive were the features that could be ported to the NT line (i.e. system restore, windows media player). Bug fixes to core components (e.g. kernel fixes) were largely gonna be thrown away after Me was released. Where would you spend your time?

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Think about it from Microsoft's point of view.  They knew that Me was the last in the line.  The only parts of Me that would survive were the features that could be ported to the NT line (i.e. system restore, windows media player).  Bug fixes to core components (e.g. kernel fixes) were largely gonna be thrown away after Me was released.  Where would you spend your time?


Mental Health Clinic? lol


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Windows ME is bad because Microsoft would rather forget it.

When Windows XP came out, they used Windows 98 SE as a comparison to the new OS :p


Yeah I remeber that, I watched a stream of it from the internet :rofl:

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I had more problems with 98 than ME. ME came preinstalled on a Gateway PC and I didn't have too many problems. Still wouldn't go back to it though - overall, I hated 98/ME with a passion.

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Actually, NO version of windows was unstable out of the box (for me, anyway).

It depends on what you do with it, what you install on it, how you mess around, etc.

For me, 9x installs usually screw up in half a year.

NT based installs don't screw up on me unless something stupid happens (like the power cutting out during a partitionmagic session)

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Thankfully I only used ME for months, if not shorter due to Windows 2000 being in testing and at the time I was one the lucky ones that had 100% complete hardware support for the NT5.0/2000 betas.

However like many have said, Microsoft basically tried to do something to the 9x core that just couldn't be done anymore, too much old legacy code holding it down really. Thankfully there was another team already working on getting the consumers over to the NT core.


Windows 2000 professional (and I guess the whole family) was out months before windows me even came out. I remember I had bought it and ME came some months after. How was win2k in testing when ME was out?

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WinMe, a good OS.

Better than 98SE.

It has System Restore, (a definite plus!), and other improvements.

Never had a problem with it.

I recommend it.


baaahahahahahaha :rofl:

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I think ME was nice too. Much nicer than 98, also in ME you can have a lot more concurent TCP connections. Maybe you can run BitTorrent on it!? I am not so sure tho.

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  • 2 weeks later...

System restore on a DOS kernel, and the bad security of the poor kernel/filesystem. < that makes it unstable and insecure

turn off system restore and don't hook the pc to the internet. and don't install Norton garbage on it. makes it an ok OS

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Bascially they tried to take DOS out of a OS based around DOS making it unstable f I'm not mistaken...


They tried to hide DOS ,that's a total diferent thing.

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42n81 u better be kidding me  :D (about recommending windows me)


Nah, no kidding.

I only used it twice, maybe three times at the most, but I never had a problem with it.

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I believe Windows ME was based on Windows 95 code, instead of Windows 98SE code.

This made it incredibly weak and ME re-introduced some bugs found in Win95, which were solved in Win98(SE).

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I tried installing it once (it was a clean install and not an upgrade), and oh no... Five minutes after starting the install process, the first BSOD appeared. The whole install process was an adventure. After about 20 BSODs and rebooting the system for another 20 times, I finished installing it.

Finally, ME worked for 10 days, with lots of problems and then completely crashed. I didn't use ME again and I won't ever. I prefer better DOS 6.1 than Windows ME.

The reason for all these problems (I think) is that Microsoft mixed Windows NT shell with Windows 98 Kernel, creating this awful mixture. I doubt if they had tested this operating system, before making it publicly available. :wacko:

Edited by nickg78
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I have never had any problems with Windows ME. It's basically a revised version of Windows 98 and I installed it after it came out on my system. I ran it for years before I changed over to XP. (the first time I ran XP, I only had 64 MB RAM!). It was a wonderful experienced and it got me ready for XP. The only problems I had when runnig Me was common hardware driver failures (which was fixed after driver updates). But now I am on XP Pro.

Wow! Time has changed so far and we are using better software and hardware than what we used with Windows 98.

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