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Can You design me a logo?


Hey guys thinking about a doing a new website a kinda portal website/restaurant reviews/adds/deals etc

the name is going to be think indian

so if anyone can come up with a nice logo would be great.



Edited by Zim.tailor
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Lol my bad...seems there is an etire industry out there for this.. so looks like my $10 offering is pretty dam sahmefull. Oh well.. looks like there is no longer any money attached to this post. So if anyone wants to help me please feel free those looking for some real money go here -> http://www.logolabs.com/


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Yeha looks like it.. Sorry for that i though it would be an incentive.. guess not.. but then where does one draw the line on how much one's creation is worth? a logo worth 100? 1000?10000? how do you put a price on your on work?


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Lol. thats true.. well let me get my butt into gear and come up with one of my own.. but will have to be this weekend.. working on my J2EE vs .NET paper.. highly exciting.. my put it up on neowin.. get some pros looking at it and see if they make any sence of it..

Anyway back to the designs well all i can say is that they are improving drastically :D


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The last two entries:

You guys really need to stop being so naive.


if you mean artless by saying naive, then your right. Im not going to spend more than 10 mins on anything like this...because making logos gets boring fast. :sleep:

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if you mean artless by saying naive, then your right. 


No... I think he means the fact that they've gone for AMERICAN INDIAN themed-graphics when it's a lot more likely we're dealing with INDIAN INDIAN here.

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East Indian.....American Indian.......South American Indian.......you can blame political correctness for my stupidity. If you'd like to critique what I did then go for it, but keep in mind that any goomba out there can throw a pic into Illustrator and live trace the hell out of it and claim it as a logo. For 10 bucks, that is the extent of my effort and I wouldn't put more than five mintues into my thought process for that amount.

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No... I think he means the fact that they've gone for AMERICAN INDIAN themed-graphics when it's a lot more likely we're dealing with INDIAN INDIAN here.


oooh well excuse me.

sorry that I didnt put cury chicken in the background. damn troll.

j/k... ;) Thanks for pointing out what I did not realize.

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Yea looking at the contents of this post, it seems quite clear many people are sure of what the original poster was after. I think for alot of the Americans in this post, you need to realize that there is actually a PLACE called India. There's a world outside of the USA, you know... :|

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