Logitech G15 Keyboard

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This was primarily an impulse buy during a break between classes today I went over to Best Buy and sitting in between the odd number of older Logitech and Microsoft product boxes where a large number of this very product as well as the G5 mouse which I also grabbed without any sort of pause to think should I or shouldn't I grabbed both grinning. One of the sales drones commented during check out that these just arrived today.

First thoughts and Packaging

I could tell something large was lurking inside the box as I was lugging it around the store both where fighting to fall from my grasp. The box is substantial the box for my Saitek Eclipse could fit inside it without much effort. Seeing as though they are from a "series" both boxes have a matrix like green scheme with both english and I'm guessing french marketing droll explaining all of the features and what not. The keyboard was packaged.. well like any other keyboard with the wrist rest and cd/manual packet on top and below a cardboard seperator was the keyboard. Unlike other keyboards I have purchased this one sported a different type of protector or "bag". This bag wasn't the usual sandwich type baggie on steriods this was the type I commonly see wrapped around lcd screens. The lcd came flipped down the same material protecting it.

Pros -Good sturdy packaging and easy to unbox

Cons - Price

Unwrapped and exposed

Shedding all of it's garments the keyboard was very imposing G1 through 18 keys give it an extra inch over my Eclipse. The cord is not as long as say the G5 mouse had, but it was more than enough. To ease any sort of cord mess there are the usual cord management channels on the rear of the keyboard. Sitting on both sides of the lcd screen are two usb ports for anything you'd like to hook up, although I believe Logitech's main reason for these where for mice. Flipping up the lcd screen(which was smooth and is not spring loaded or anything of the sort) the media keys come to view later on in the review I'll touch base on one of these keys.


Pros - Reasonable cord length. Very pretty, and pleasing look to at.

Cons - None

First use impressions

After doing my usual cable management behind my desk I booted up my machine to darkness except for the Logitech brand name and logo emblazed on the lcd. I pressed the backlit key with increasing frustration "why isn't this lighting up" I thought. I however was relieved to see it come to life as the desktop appeared on my monitor. Boy this is very pretty, but hardly new at least to me it was owning a backlit keyboard before seeing the keys lit didn't strike any gasps your mileage will vary. With no software yet installed the lcd was blank, but that was about to change. Gamers will certainly find the sliding switch that turns off the windows key very helpful. The wrist rest is your usual run of the mill kind it did have a smooth rubbery feel to it which was nice.

Rating 10/10

Pros - A great looking piece of hardware

Cons - Space bar is a bit on the small side


I was expecting Setpoint or at least some variation of it. However I was surprised to see Logitech using a new piece of software called the Logitech G-series Keyboard Profiler. Upon first installing the software was run and it immediately went about looking for any games that might be installed. After installing I had the urge to look down, and I see something that pleased me a digital clock, an analog clock and the date. It was nothing earth shattering mind you, but the sight of this made me gasp I announced in my head "cool". The screen by default will cycle through the date and time, and a performance monitor which shows cpu usage and memory usage via a percentage bar and numerical percentage. Below the lcd is a round button which will allow you to without opening up the Profiler software to cycle through the available lcd programs which is only a few.


Pros - Easy to use found games without any fiddling

Cons - Integration with Setpoint would have been a cleaner approach, and three different processes for the LCD seems a bit much. An taskbar icon is shown while it's a minor niggle a check box to remove that would be nice. LCD functionality on the low side right now.

Overall I am very pleased with the keyboard I haven't loaded up any games to see what other use the lcd will get. I highly recommend this keyboard to anyone.






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Looking on my reciept I paid 79.99 for the keyboard, and 69.99 for the G5 mouse. Glad I had my check book on me.

im hoping for some sort of support for WoW, or AoE III.

I'm assuming if their well known games Logitech should have them in it's database.

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how long is the cord out of interest?

My current MS keyboard is a tad short. If this had a padded armrest (like the MS Desktop elite) and was wireless I'd snap it up in an instant. Might have a look anywya but.

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Don't have any exact measurements, but I'd say around 5 feet + or - a bit. Arm rest isn't padded sorry. The MX5000 I believe is a good choice for you it doesn't have the padded armrest, but it has the lcd, and wireless.

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at least take some pictures of the backlight beneath the letters

I don't have a tripod so I tried my hardest to keep still



anyone have an idea where this can be bought in canada?

I want it sooo badly!!

I bought the G15 and G5 at Best Buy so it stands to reason that Future Shop might have it Circuit City sent me an email that they had the G5 in stock a earlier in the night(Thursday) so that must mean brick and mortar stores are getting shipments.

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Don't have any exact measurements, but I'd say around 5 feet + or - a bit. Arm rest isn't padded sorry. The MX5000 I believe is a good choice for you it doesn't have the padded armrest, but it has the lcd, and wireless.


Unfortunatly I already have an MX1000 so it's probably a waste. I will look at this none the less, padded rest isnt the end of the world and might get a bit gross in summer here (Australia). Plus if the cords too short I can get an extension lead.

Thanks for the images....no thanks for adding another item to my "to get" list. I will be forever poor.

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Incorrect. Het Computer Winkeltje, a local shop, says they can get them in AZERTY, I do not know if this is correct as I am typing AZERTY on a QWERTY keyboard. :huh:

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Look good...

But does it beat my ZBoard in games?

I don't know... but this look like just a bunch of gadgets :(

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Look good...

But does it beat my ZBoard in games?

I don't know... but this look like just a bunch of gadgets :(


Considering you don't have to buy a new part for each game, I'd say the G15 is better.

But I guess if you use $20 bills to light your your pipe, then zboard should be fine.

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I've had mine a little over a week now, and I love it. The keys are very quiet, and the backlighting works very well. The programming features work great, managed to get it working in many of my games (EQ2, WOW, etc.) I'm not a big fan of the ESC key placing, but it took very little time to adjust to. The wrist guard also impressed me, typical plastic, but a nice sort of rubberized coating. I thought the screen was going to be a gimmick, but it is very well featured, very clear and easy to use. The USB ports were a definite bonus, I didn't even realize till I opened the box that it had them. My only real gripe was in the cord length, but I had a USB ext cable anyways.

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Yeah the cord length isn't really any longer than a typical keyboard would have which is okay, but you'd expect Logitech to make a it bit longer considering it's a 80 dollar keyboard the G5's cord probably bests it by 2 feet should laid out the cords to see which was longer. Interesting I played some Bf2, and it doesn't show any of the game info, but still it was nice to be able to see a clock or how much ram or cpu usage the game was hogging. The games themselves must have to support the lcd.

The backlighting effect seems more subdued than my previous keyboard the Saitek Eclipse probably the color of the keys(black vs. dark grey), but also the lighting effect or leaking around the keys isn't as bright. I loved that keyboard, but I also missed my mulitmedia keys which are being put to a good use on the G15

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Considering you don't have to buy a new part for each game, I'd say the G15 is better.

But I guess if you use $20 bills to light your your pipe, then zboard should be fine.


Thoses Pads are Limmited Editions pads or optimized board...

There also a Normal pad witch is like a normal KeyBoard...

And as I play only CoD I don't need any other Pad and I even don't use the game profile for the game...

So there no problem here...

What I want to know is,

Ok, the ZBoard is different from the normal KeyBoard witch is very better in Games, but does thoses costomizable butons and that LCD stuff make a good use in games that could be more usfull than my ZBoard?

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Heh, I found this on the Logitech website a week ago or so and was waiting for someone to review it before I buy. This definitely looks really sexy! (Y)

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