Logitech G15 Keyboard

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Cool site thanks for the link FunctionX


No problem, someone just released a Trillan script so you can see your IM's while you are in a game. :)

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  • 3 months later...

Hey, can somone please post some really good pics of the keyboard upside down. I heard that there are grooves and stuff, I would like to see if they are any good. Please. Thanks

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Hey, can somone please post some really good pics of the keyboard upside down. I heard that there are grooves and stuff, I would like to see if they are any good. Please. Thanks

Sure can(you'll have to wait until later tonight or Tuesday as I work and goto school mon-thurs). By grooves do you mean grooves like for the usb cable so it exits from left or right instead of the center? I looked on the bottom of mine a coupla days ago didn't look very long so I don't remember only thing I remember was the back-light shone through a few of the holes.

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"Logitech G-15 Keyboard Review" has already been started by me, here

Dale Majid

Um, dude? this topic has been around way longer than your's. 10/6/05 vs 1/11/06?

:shifty: pwned. :devil:

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yea the usb cables grooves and stuff

Took a picture of the belly there are some grooves one oddly exits in the front of the keyboard where the wrist rest is wierd place to have your usb cable come out of.


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Damn that's sleek ...

Logitech keyboards are awesome, hey? :laugh: I have the diNovo bluetooth keyboard atm :cool:

But I'd have to wait awhile. I'm building a x64 computer around the time when Vista comes out.

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  • 3 weeks later...

After using mine for a week or so, I really like it. When I play games, I tend to turn the lights off so I can see better, and the illuminated keys help out. The LCD is cool, but until more games and applications start supporting it, its more of a novelty than anything to me. The macro ability is cool, it helps out a lot in some of the games I play. And the palmrest isnt too bad...it's got this kind of rubber feeling coating on it, so it isn't just all plastic. The only thing was that I found it a little hard to get used to typing on it for some reason...maybe because its wider cuz of the G keys, and I'm used to shift, tab, etc, being on the edge of the keyboard, and now it's more toward the inside. Overall I'm really pleased with it, though. :)

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nice keyboard. im satisfied with my logitech mx3100 set.

i have that exact same chair too. im sitting in it now. bad thing is that alot of the padding is gone in the seat.

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I have been wanting to pick one of these up. I have held off still because of the problems I read about that it had. Seems like its going pretty well now and more games supporting it.

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Yeah it's getting better Logitech still needs to address some issues with it's software. Game support is getting better I picked up the patch for UT2004 it's pretty nice though it doesn't show a whole lot of info.

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Ugg, keyboards nowadays are so bloated with extra ****. The backlit keys are nice, but there's too much other crap. I don't see a real point for the LCD except for a "woo" factor. I don't know about you guys, but I never ever look at my keyboard. My eyes are focused on my monitor.

Best keyboard ever IMO is the Microsoft Natural Keyboard. This thing has gone through 6 years of torture and from a PC to a PowerBook. I'll use this thing till it literally falls apart and when it does, I will be very sad :cry:

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i love mine, i find that the extra **** is just a bonus witht he keyboard and the LCD screen is great when in a game or just want to see how much RAM and CPU % are being used instead of Ctrl-Alt-Del'ing. The backlit keys are amazing i use it all the time and the quiet key (while typing) is great.

I just wisht hey had a trillian script

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