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Ok... I have been lurking around long enough. Checking this thread like 3 times a day can't be good for me. I am about to flip out.

I just happened to check b0se's deviant page and it said he was on like 5 hours ago. Unfortunately there was no GUI.air.

b0se, I want this VS to be great, but plz plz hurry. I don't want to have to use my light saber! :p

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Ok... I have been lurking around long enough.  Checking this thread like 3 times a day can't be good for me.  I am about to flip out. 

I just happened to check b0se's deviant page and it said he was on like 5 hours ago.  Unfortunately there was no GUI.air.

b0se, I want this VS to be great, but plz plz hurry.  I don't want to have to use my light saber!  :p


You only check it 3 times a day? I would be VERY embarassed to admit how often I check this thread and the completed styles sub forum to see if it has shown yet :laugh:

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didn't think this light saber thing would kick on with us... but it has whoo for lightsabers!! but yeah check this thread out whenever i come here which is often

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Takes it and charges his computer* damn he set up a firewall, our lightsabers are useless


:laugh: We should have guessed! b0se and his firewalls! *grumble grumble*

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Patience you eager thread watchers. :yes:

If you're so eager for him to finish this VS... bribe him with donations. :whistle:

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I know you want to make it as bug-free as possible, but why not release a beta, just for us incredibly anxious people ;)


It doesn't feel quite right I guess, like you're work is incomplete or something :p at least that's what I think.
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I know you want to make it as bug-free as possible, but why not release a beta, just for us incredibly anxious people ;)


I am one of those people! :wacko:

So, for you guys who already have a wallpaper and stuff, what color VS are you looking forward to?

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