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bose will finish the theme when he has time.. until then you all need to just relax, it's a visual style, it's not like your waiting for some new fuel resource or something.. jesus.

Thank you. No one is paying him to do this, and it takes ALOT of time to get right and complete. Let dude do his own thing and let him finish it as he pleases. It sucks just trying to do MOCKUPS, let alone put it all together.

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Iam sure BoSe has plenty of suff to do, espcially during christmas, but it would be nice if he could tell us where the VS stands, and if he will finish it, other wise theres no point in this topic.

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what i dont understand is why people think themers OWE them stuff? If Ross doesn't have time to post an update every 2 minutes like people seem to think he does, that's fine. You people forget, he's doing this in his FREE time, if that means 3 minutes is all he has, so be it.

My offer here was not to finish this for b0se, but rather, to take it on finishing it if he did not plan on finishing it. There has been no update, no nothing for a long time and I know when I'm like that with one of my peices of work, usually it's abandoned.

Maybe he's just been EXTRA busy, being the holidays and all .. you never know.

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what i dont understand is why people think themers OWE them stuff? If Ross doesn't have time to post an update every 2 minutes like people seem to think he does, that's fine. You people forget, he's doing this in his FREE time, if that means 3 minutes is all he has, so be it.

O come on!! Its been like 2 months since he posted here, it would just be nice to know if he is still going to finish this or not. And knowone here thinks that themers owe them anything! People just love his work, and they would love to see this one realesed.

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i really didn't mean to be offensive... but given bose' history, where he doesn't allow any mods/ports etc of his work.. i'm guessing that he's not going to allow someone else to complete his unfinished product. I understand that you're just offering to help.. and that's great, i'm just giving my opinion that it's probably not gonna happen.

Now..i wasn't judging your quality of work either.. maybe it's great.. maybe it's bad.. i have no idea how skilled you are at making a theme.. BUT.. what i'm saying is, this theme is bose' vision, it will turn out like "ass" whether i do it, you do it, or kol does it.. do you know what i mean. Because then it just wouldn't be a bose theme.

Point taken. Offer retracted. Sheesh, everyone got all upset when I offered to finish it if it got abandoned. Oh well... guess that just goes to show that b0se has a cult following :o

It'll get done when it's done I guess. would be nice if we could have an update. I'm not demanding one or saying we deserve one, but an update would be nice. oh well.

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Point taken. Offer retracted. Sheesh, everyone got all upset when I offered to finish it if it got abandoned. Oh well... guess that just goes to show that b0se has a cult following :o

It'll get done when it's done I guess. would be nice if we could have an update. I'm not demanding one or saying we deserve one, but an update would be nice. oh well.

omg, that's what we've been trying to say all along, we've convinced one person! now only if the rest will realize this!

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i just read this thread, and i would like to say you are all horrible people.

why would you all ask him when it will be released or ask for updates?!?!? if he's updated it, he would post about it!

I have no release estimate, don't hold your breath since I'm ridiculously busy at the moment.
As always, I will keep you updated as it develops thumbs_up.gif

that's enough information for you to shut the **** up and wait patiently. It looks like an awesome theme b0se.

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omg, that's what we've been trying to say all along, we've convinced one person! now only if the rest will realize this!

lol, i said that a long time ago, which is why i was suprised that so many people jumped down my throat when i made that offer. haha, some people just dont read i guess. :rofl:

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I don't want to be flamed so I'll keep it short. This theme looks beyond awesome and i don't care if its not finished for a few more months, keep at it b0se. I doubt that you'd give up on it, and good luck with whatever else your doing.

Nice theme.

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