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hope that it will be out by xmas or new yrs but, he'll be really busy then

He could pull off something KoL did last year: release a VS right on Christmas day (KoL's Sustenance VS).

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@ The DarrellMan.... if for p-e-r-s-o-n-a-l use...note the NFR? Not for doesn't have to be okay with anyone.

@vf..I'm crushed at your statement. Let me commit suicide now.

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Digital James can do everything he feels like doing, it's not like he's distrbuing the mod or something, you should know that by know Darell, besides that you know that he never shares his mods so stfu ;)

I'm sure that b0se knew that with the preview there would be others to make a port even before the release which was comtempted for Nov, I know he has a life so keep it up b0se ;) we'll be waiting!

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@ The DarrellMan.... if for p-e-r-s-o-n-a-l use...note the NFR? Not for doesn't have to be okay with anyone.

@vf..I'm crushed at your statement. Let me commit suicide now.

i think it's absolutely gorgeous... too bad i don't have a mac for me to use it on so i can beg you to let me use it lol

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OMG, can I not point out something? I don't even understand why half of you ****'s are replying.

It's ironic though..because when people port unreleased Mac themes to Windows for personal use, then mac theme creators cry..pretty funny huh?

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ive never seen anybody cry about stuff like this... wheres your proof. :p

the only time ive seen people get fussy is when unauthorized ports are released publicly. which is usually not ever.

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lol are you kidding me? susumu and some other mac themers decided to stop authorizing theme ports to windows for a while because of it. Which is why they stopped letting people post screenshots of unreleased mac themes that they ripped themselves to Windows over at A-S, or at least tried to establish the rule.

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sounds like crying..i concede.

i guess the windows community is just more mature.......:rofl:

as long as its for personal use and is made with the concept that everyone has seen, whats the problem? they arent spoiling anything...the only reason i think people would have a problem with this, is if people were actually making the original concept pale in comparison to the personal mod... which bose doesnt have much to worry about in this case.

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You know, I could understand your stance, Darell, if DJs mod of eternal looked anything like GUI.Air. The only resemblence is the color and the name of the mod. Past that, it doesnt loook a thing like GUI.Air, so I see no reason to have even brought it up.

And a big reason for not allowing OS X -> Windows ports is because they dont want their work tainted by Windows. Owning a Mac is almost cult-like, and its great.

They want their hard work to be something unique, something you cant get on any operating system. If you want to use a Mac theme so bad, buy a Mac and use it the way it was meant to be used.

Whilst I dont agree with "Which is why they stopped letting people post screenshots of unreleased mac themes that they ripped themselves to Windows over at A-S, or at least tried to establish the rule.", as long as its for personal use, theres no reason to cry.

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...There has been one or two ports from Windows to Mac, and those are extremely well done themes - excludeing that god awful luna theme that pops up every now and then and whoever posted it is immediately flamed.

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digitaljames is a great modder and I've often wanted to use many of his "creations" but they are his, and if I wasn't lazy I'd go about creating some myself. This is such a non-issue you people are just searching for something to rabble on about.

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heh, this being released is similar to the release of gaim 2.0... which do you think will come out first? lol.

Interestingly enough gaim 2.0 beta1 was released today...

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