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this is a trick by b0se. more posts on this topic without any updates for another 5 months.

please don't post if you have nothing constructive to say about this.

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Anyone know why the Neowin patcher isn't working? I have XP SP2 (5.1.2600) and I can't apply the theme to test :E

Is it taking away your XP themes as well?

If so thats what happened to me, I'm stuck on Windows Classic even if I disable

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Great news to hear that you are still working on this. Do you have the theme service running? Maybe that's why you can get it to work. Anywho, good luck with the theme. (Y)

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The Neowin patcher v2 somehow stopped working for me. However, if you're lucky enough to find v4 out there somewhere, I was able to patch successfully with that one.

Another simply beautiful theme, by the way. I can't wait to use it. You're possibly one of the most talented graphic designers / themers / artists / whatever that I've ever.. erm.. not really met. Read about? Meh. Regardless, kudos for the wonderful visual style and I do hope you're able to patch successfully.

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Great to see you back and working on this once again. Figured real life had taken a hold of you once again. Good luck on your business endeavor. I have wanted to go out on my own for a while now, but like the stability that my current employer offers :)

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Thanks for the kind words everyone :?)

I can't get my system patched. I've tried Neowin Patcher versions 2 and 4, both failed (they have never worked for me iirc). I've also downloaded a patched uxtheme.dll and that didn't work either. I've even download XPLite and disabled WFP, and tried the patches, nothing worked.

I used to use a patcher that was on some random site, but I can't find it. Starting to **** me off now, hate wasting time with stuff like this!

Shawn Grimes (Hex) made a patch once, it was on my old W9D Fourm, can't find that either *nnnng*

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b0se, when you say you downloaded the uxtheme, did you just copy it into System32 or did you use Replacer? If not the latter, I suggest you give it a shot. :)

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Well after about 10 billion reboots I managed to get themes working (I used Replacer)...

I can now apply existing Visual Styles, but I can't apply ones I compile from within StyleBuilder.

Edit: Got it sorted now. 2 hours of ****ing about just to get themes working.

Edited by b0se
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Well after about 10 billion reboots I managed to get themes working (I used Replacer)...

I can now apply existing Visual Styles, but I can't apply ones I compile from within StyleBuilder.

Edit: Got it sorted now. 2 hours of ****ing about just to get themes working.

Relax, good sir. This VS is very much worth it (though it probably doesn't seem like it to you!).

Glad to see you got it working, by the way.

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I have something similar. I can't apply the theme from StyleBuilder, but if I just compile it and apply it manually it does work.

yes :yes:

I always use this method

it's much quicker than stylebuilder's compile and apply on my PC

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Sorry Bose, I don't have time to read all 35 pages of this I hope some of these critizisms haven't been brought up..if they have, I'm sorry.

I love this VS so far, but I see a few things in the mock-up that I think could be better.

1) The "gloss" on the window title bar is the same over the bar, and the min/max/restore buttons, it looks like the buttons are just under a layer sort of, maybe if you offset the gloss a little on the buttons, it wouldn't look like you added the gloss AFTER the buttons. Or maybe if the gloss followed the infered gouge in the title bar where the buttons are, it wouldnt line up so perfectly.

2) I love the taskbar, but would prefer it if the Active taskband melted into the grey strip under it, without the line separating it from the grey bar under the taskbar. Think "display properties tabs"...and how they try to have no distinction between them and the thin bar they attach to.

3) I think the inactive taskband should still have some sort of separation to it, maybe a similar shape to the active, but just a line...that maybe fades out near the grey bar bellow the that it's just sort of hinted at without being conected like the active taskband is. I'm just not a fan of text floating on my taskbar so own personal preference is all.

4) The scroll bar system is too much, maybe too complex...I like the idea, maybe it's too does however go with the rest of the theme, and maybe I'm too simple lol.

As usual man, you're making my next theme, and it looks fantastic...keep up the great work.


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