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Keep up the good work Bose :) can't wait till its finished. Does Neowin have ignore user list ? so I can skip all the whinners comments  ;)


You can ignore a user by clicking on their name, and towards the top (under the Profile Options section) theres an Ignore User link option.. clicky :)

Welcome to Neowin btw!

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cant wait to use this candy

the end of october is quite near

i think it ll be huge topic as usual in completed vs section, cause its top work, as usual from b0se

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I love the style, I just hope not all the color variations simply change the taskbar, titlebar etc and the backgrounds and all remain that nuetral tannish color. It's annoying when I see a good theme that uses that generic tan color, despite how cool the color combinations elsewhere are. Especially for me, a Blackbox user, since with most themes I will never, ever see the titlebar or taskbar. When I run a theme like this, all I'll see prettymuch is that tannish color, so all these color options would be pointless for me.

I know I'm an incredibly small minority to want to cater to...but just something to think about. Keep up the great theming though, you do a good job.

Oh, and as far as whining goes.....yeah, some people need to just stfu, but everyone please keep in mind that just because something is free does not mean it should be exempt from critique and the like. Even free software and themes should live up to certain standards.

You wouldn't want your free software to have actions mapped to the wrong buttons, now would you? How enjoyable would it be to have to click OK instead of cancel due to bad programming? What about a theme that contains an alarmingly high number of glitches?

I appreciate everyones time that has gone into making all these wonderful themes....but I also hold on to the belief that if you're going ot seriously attempt to make a theme for public consumption, you should work towards certain standards.

Not that any of this really applies to Bose, I've never seen a reason to bitch about the things he does. He puts out nice, usable themes and a fair amount of them too. If you want a new color scheme so bad, do it yourself. It's not hard. I've done it many times, and one of those times led to my first VS.

Edited by Raum
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It's been very quiet here so no-one knows what to expect and when to expect it... but I sure am curious about the progress. Just from watching the preview I'm sure this will stay in my collection for a long time!

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Hello there!

Not been able to work on this theme due to a project deadline, but, I can now work on this in my free time. Thanks for your patience, and I'll keep you informed!

I'll be hitting this pretty hard, so it it won't take too long.

Edit: lol @ lithium-'s sig. Hhaha!

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Hello there!

Not been able to work on this theme due to a project deadline, but, I can now work on this in my free time. Thanks for your patience, and I'll keep you informed!

I'll be hitting this pretty hard, so it it won't take too long.

Edit: lol @ lithium-'s sig. Hhaha!


yay!! this theme looks absolutely stunning... i can't wait to use it.

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This seems to be the theme that i have been waiting to move away from, Luna Element 3 ( Amazing theme ). When LE4 was released, for some reason, didn't make me left the version 3.

But this one looks awesome

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