Rumor: Build 5231 is the October CTP

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Interesting situation we have here, the build 5231 released is in reality not the 5231 build leaked onto the net, so I guess I win half / half. The leaked version of 5231 was not the CTP but a later compile of 5231 is. :p

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Interesting situation we have here, the build 5231 released is in reality not the 5231 build leaked onto the net, so I guess I win half / half. The leaked version of 5231 was not the CTP but a later compile of 5231 is. :p


Isn't that what has been said here a million times?

Im confused on why the build number didnt chage for like 2 whole weeks.

Basically, it's because there are lots of different build "branches." The "winmain" build number has increased since then. But this build was broken off to its sepereate "branch" so that it could tested (patched up where necessary) and certified for release as a CTP.

It's more complicated than that even, since different project groups and feature teams have seperate branches as well (that's why at some demos you may have seen "lab06" builds or "UX" builds and such, as opposed to winmain).

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This build is an idx02 compiled about 4 weeks after the original 5231, though Paul Thurott's screens say idx03. Build 5048 was also an idx02 build. If anyone has info on what the build tags mean or what specifies a jump in the build number, I (and many more) would appreciate to know. If it's not confidential :ninja:

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This build is an idx02 compiled about 4 weeks after the original 5231, though Paul Thurott's screens say idx03. Build 5048 was also an idx02 build. If anyone has info on what the build tags mean or what specifies a jump in the build number, I (and many more) would appreciate to know. If it's not confidential :ninja:


First of all, this build (The October CTP) is an idx03 build, the same build that's in pauls screens. There are several IDx (internal developer x, x being workstation or server, I believe) labs, idx01, idx02, idx03, probably a lot more. They're where builds are branched from the winmain lab to be prepared for public release.

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