5231, a shadow of beta2.

what do u think about 5231 and beta 2?  

102 members have voted

  1. 1. what do u think about 5231 and beta 2?

    • 5231 is way better than what i suspected.
    • 5231 is good, but it still disapointed me. beta2 may do better.
    • 5231 is poor. but i belive beta 2 will do lot of better than 5231
    • 5231 sux, and so will beta 2.
    • vista sux.
    • i dunno.

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since the 5231 has been "leaked", we r now can find a shadow of beta 2.

in my opinion, 5231 disapointed me. its still buggy and kinda ugly.therefor i dont expect too much on beta 2.

is it possible that microsoft release a "exciting" build between beta 2 and final or 5231 and beta2?

what do u guys think?

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Well just do this..

Go find pictures from XP beta 1, then xp beta 2, RC1, etc.. and then RTM, you will see that the real UI you will see in Vista RTM has nothing to do with the one from beta1 or this pre-beta 2 or even beta3 ( maybe it will be made )..

And by the way beta2 isn't ou yet, what you are seing is previews that may or not be the same UI from the real beta 2,,

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Well just do this..

Go find pictures from XP beta 1, then xp beta 2, RC1, etc.. and then RTM, you will see that the real UI you will see in Vista RTM has nothing to do with the one from beta1 or this pre-beta 2 or even beta3 ( maybe it will be made )..

And by the way beta2 isn't ou yet, what you are seing is previews that may or not be the same UI from the real beta 2,,


what was XP's codename? :D

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Well just do this..

Go find pictures from XP beta 1, then xp beta 2, RC1, etc.. and then RTM, you will see that the real UI you will see in Vista RTM has nothing to do with the one from beta1 or this pre-beta 2 or even beta3 ( maybe it will be made )..


That just tells us what happened with Windows XP. We don't know for sure that's just a guess, what we do know is allot of changes have gone on at Microsoft with the coding of Vista for instance the "everyone make a bit and we will stitch it together" approach has been thrown out the door, This could well include the guys who do that UI (which could be what we see now)

Also the guy in charge of the Aero Glass UI in his Interview said that this is practically what the final will look like in terms of where Glass and surround effects are concerned.

You also have to remember that when they made Windows XP it was more simple to leave the UI last it was not a major piece of code that they felt needed beta testing but with the LDDM drivers all the special graphical intensive effects it has to be beta tested which leaves allot to believe that this is what the final will look like.

Things that will probably change? - The Visual Style. But um we can already change that ourselves on XP (easily) and Vista will be no different once it's released.

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That just tells us what happened with Windows XP. We don't know for sure that's just a guess, what we do know is allot of changes have gone on at Microsoft with the coding of Vista for instance the "everyone make a bit and we will stitch it together" approach has been thrown out the door, This could well include the guys who do that UI (which could be what we see now)

Also the guy in charge of the Aero Glass UI in his Interview said that this is practically what the final will look like in terms of where Glass and surround effects are concerned.

You also have to remember that when they made Windows XP it was more simple to leave the UI last it was not a major piece of code that they felt needed beta testing but with the LDDM drivers all the special graphical intensive effects it has to be beta tested which leaves allot to believe that this is what the final will look like.

Things that will probably change? - The Visual Style. But um we can already change that ourselves on XP (easily) and Vista will be no different once it's released.


Well yeah, i have seen that interview, and i have read alot from this UI, and well i do believe it will not change much, but i guess some colours and icons will change and maybe some small effects.. :whistle:

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I'll just wait until Beta 2...

yeah, don't bother with 5231

how different can 5112 be from this 5231?


somewhat different, but the majority will not notice (except the developers), so sit back, relax and wait for Beta ;)

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Don't judge 5231.idx.051004-2120 until it is released next week by Microsoft to the beta testers. The leaked 5231 is not the October CTP.


Right on. I read that too. The leaked ver is not same as OctCTP (compiled Oct 4).

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Just to put a final in my presence in this topic, i think we ( i mean everybody ) should wait for beta 2 to be officially launched and to see if it isn't going to be released a beta 3..

It's not some leaked screenshot's from previews of beta 2, that actually shows what's it going to be..

I will wait for the real beta 2 and then create my opinion for the new UI..

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5231 "leak" is buggy becuase of the way it was leaked, it was compiled from a fubar'd iso and then renamed files to try and make it work, and once it worked it was sent out.

The problems I had with 5231 were the following,

1. Unable to install from windows on a SATA drive, once it rebooted it crashed on the exact moment the codename longhorn loader bar poped up.

2. If installing from dvd, the installation took a very long time to install and reported alot of errors, 1 being, unable to edit boot inits. Another one being "installation is taking longer then expected but is expected to complete soon". Ive got a WD Raptor 10K rpm hd, and never had a problem with the previous builds. I had other minor errors but nothing as bad as that. The instllation also crashed a couple times before I was able to get into the os.

3. The sound support even thoe supporting my augidy 2 and nforce audio was very buggy. For instance if I played any song for awhile the system would crash. Also sound glitchs.

4. Media Center Edition is really buggy unlike the previous builds.

5. Windows Media Player did not support MP3 which I found to be kinda werid, it played WAV with no problems.

6. Sidebar that was leaked isn't fully combatible with this build, the orignal sidebar had to be put in the programs directory / windows sidebar. And it doesn't work there now returns a error, however if you place it someone else it works.

Some of the plus's about this build thoe, were a far better looking gui, in terms alot of things were updated and changed, fonts look better, my 6800GT was auto recognized and lddm was working right off the bat of the first restart. All the solitare and other games worked also with lddm on unlike the previous build.

The SATA installation was now working so that was a plus. The build looked better overall thoe. I was also able to get my Networking to Finally work again.

Overall, I enjoyed this build more then 5219.

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This 5231 leak has a lot of problems.

Most of what I do, (besides figuring out why the Sidebar did not come this time) is sending error reports to Microsoft.

Here is what I've got to notice so far:

Build 5231.winmain.050912-2020

- Internet Explorer has an annoying glitch, as it tries to refresh the page you are working on. (As i was typing here, i had to wear glasses cause the Explorer Windows wouldn't stop flashing on my eyes!). However, that only happens if you have a lot of Tabs opened; I do not know the exact number of Tabs that should be open for this to occur, but it is annoying.

- It takes my PC more than 10 seconds to load it, even since its first boot. I have an AMD Athlon 64 3200+ @ 2.01Ghz / 1.0GB 400Mhz DDR Ram.

as I keep writing and installing Firefox 1.0.7, IE7 keeps flashing the UI, thus screwing up my eyes :pinch:

- There is no Sidebar in this build. However, you could take the Sidebar files from older builds (5219) and copy them to your 5231 Program Files folder. Still it's not going to work. I don't know how the guis from HardwareGeek got it working on that build. Look at Thurrot's 5231 Screenshot Gallery, there is a picture of the 5231 Desktop with the Curved Sidebar showing. Anyways, below is the error it shows me when I try to run it (for further technical information, and if there is anyone who could make it work. I tried all about the Image with no positive outcome.)

["X:\Program Files\Windows Sidebar\sidebar.exe"

The hash for the image cannot be found in the system catalogs. The image is likely corrupt or the victim of tampering.]

- Still the flashing UI on IE. :pinch:

- Installed iTunes 6 + QuickTime 7. When you try to run any of these softwares, the DWM effects (Aero Glass Effects) and skins just go down. Close them, right click on your desktop, left click on refresh, or just click on the task bar, and the DWM will be back on. I don't know if there is any other software that has the same effect if you run it thought. Haven't tried any other.

- nForce 4 chipsets do still have problems. Besides the Network Adapter, which installs correctly. The only bad thing about it is that when it stabilishes a connection, it shows a TX rate of 2.0 Gbps. Seems to be installed well, but it just doesn't work.

- LDDM Drivers for GeForce 6x Works right "out of the box" as you may call it. Installed the 5231 Build, first boot, and the LDDM drivers are up and running, along with all the nice DWM effects.

- ALL DWM Aero Effects are working PERFECTLY. (as PERFECTLY means its CURRENT status, not that this is how they may end up working in a later Beta 2 build.)

- Firefox 1.0.7 works 10 times better than Internet Explorer 7 itself in this build. Awesome.

- Thunderbird 1.0.7 works fine too.

- It DID NOT take me any long time to install from the DVD. It was just the same as the old builds. The Installer also has some sweet fading effects. I think I saw the same thing in the 5219 build.

- The "Mobility Center" applet on the Control Panel, seems to be on vacations.

- Media Center do not render in my PC. I have a GeForce 6600 GT. Do not know if that is the problem. But I haven't tried it with the DWM efffects off. Wait a second, ill be right back...

2 minutes later :

- I had switched to Classic View, settings are off. Dang! I like how this Build of Vista looks in classic view. Ok back to the subject; Media Center still doesn't load. Thats bad though.

- Ok, For some reason, IE is still annoying me with the flashing UI effect. I thought that turning off DWM and switching to classic view would solve that. Seems to be the opposite.

- Windows Media Player "10" (*looks at the WMP About box*), ok let me not confuse you here... Windows Media Player 10~11 Is buggy. Too buggy. It hangs when it starts to load up. I haven't been able to try it out yet, I'm still sending its error report.

- Oh by the way, I could make it to get online with a CNet Wireless-G USB Dongle ($30.00 Bucks around the corner).

- Ok I just noticed: It seems like the problem with Media Center NOT rendering, has something to do with Windows Media Player NOT loading. Even thought it's in classic view. Sigh :(

- The Windows Security Center will not detect McAffee VirusScan Enterprise 8.0i as an actually "Installed" Antivirus.

- The Windows Security Center will ask you to turn on the Spyware protection. But it aint got any anti spyware, so be ready to get a crude NO!. Oh, I thought "what if I install Windows Anti Spyware Beta1, I think it will actually take advantage of it and stop coming out on the notification area telling me that I don't have spyware protection..." Ok, went ahead and did so... Nothing. Had to tell it that I've got my own spyware software to handle that. :happy:

- Msn Messenger 7.5 Looks even better (to me) in this build than in ANY other Windows version (including XP). :cheers!:

- No Sidebar; no sight of it :unsure:

- The Digital Gallery is pretty good, but I like Picasa better :) But what can I complain about? This is just beta software...

- Oh dear! Just noticed something... As I keep typing this in IE I have the feeling something wrong is gonna happen and Windows or IE will crash and delete all what I'm typing! oh noes! . I'm trying to drag all the text into the text box but I can't see anything! IE is not letting me drag the text to copy it. I'm affraid of using the Ctlr+A option :unsure: Ok ther I go . . . Gosh . . . phew! Done :) I just opened Notepad and saved all this junk just in case :p

- Man I love Solitarie Spyder :) w00t! Damn! What is this! and all these colors! and the cards mouseover effect! OMG! :woot: two words: Sw-eet!

- :x I'm just about to continue typing this but in Firefox...

- Secure Startup ? :alien: < - Unknown for me... Someone xplain about this. It says you have to upgrade your "BIOS" (oh hell nah!, there is people out there who would easly screw up their Computers by doing that Mikey!) to have this working fine or at least "working" :unsure:

- Windows Explorer reports an error and crashes sometimes. Nothing that a good "end now" click cannot fix! yeehaa! :cool:

- :no: My eyes. I think this IE flashing thingie has to do with my Monitor's refresh rate. Actually... hum...

- :ninja: Shanghai Solitaire... Hum, first time playing this... I'ma have fun oh yeah :rofl:

- Gosh Media Center :(

- My 5.1 Audio Onboard Chipsets and Inputs: working good. Same with my Logitech 5.1 Surround System. There is no weird sounds or glitches. Each sound comes out of its respective speaker. ah! :cry: *joys*

- The Sidebar executable!!!! I found it... Just kidding...

- 100% sure that most of us are bored of that Windows XP Logon (welcome) sound. Please take it off for the next build, thanks. :whistle:

- Haven't triedk stacks, Virtual Folders, Search... But I'M SURE they work at least better than older builds. So that's all good.

- A few tweaks used on 5219, like the Windows Borders Blur Effect, settled at 0 or 1, works just perfectly. If you set it at 0 you can see preetty well all what is beind a Window :) I loved that effect woot! :p

Phew... There is still more...

Anyways, thats most of what I could notice while I was playing with this 5231 Build. Leaked, NOT RECOMENDED. Wait for BETA 2 please. You can try it out, or wait till its released next week "as I heard" :whistle:

Overall Rating:

3 - 5

Keep it up M$!, this is just an tremendous job to what it was a few months ago! Vista is going to OWN! the competence :cool:

Edited by Jazket
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This 5231 leak has a lot of problems.

Most of what I do, (besides figuring out why the Sidebar did not come this time) is sending error reports to Microsoft.

Here is what I've got to notice so far:

Build 5231.winmain.050912-2020


Please keep in mind this is NOT the same 5231 build that will be released as the October CTP very soon.

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Yep threedaysdwn, i cleared that out at the bottom lines of my post:

"Anyways, thats most of what I could notice while I was playing with this 5231 Build. Leaked, NOT RECOMENDED. Wait for BETA 2 please. You can try it out, or wait till its released next week "as I heard""

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