[release] Dreamland WB

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the trouble with these transparent title bars is that if you use white text, it fades out over a light color background, and if you use black text, it fades over a dark background. Too bad it can't be designed to have a partial solid background just under the text area. That would make all the transparent skins far more usable in the long run.

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the trouble with these transparent title bars is that if you use white text, it fades out over a light color background, and if you use black text, it fades over a dark background. Too bad it can't be designed to have a partial solid background just under the text area. That would make all the  transparent skins far more usable in the long run.


I would think what you described would be possible. Just have the alpha for the area under the window title (and/or minimize, max, close buttons) be less transparent (or completely opaque) than the rest of the title bar.

I haven't used skinstudio to know for sure, but I would guess that would work.

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  • 1 month later...

Now updated! New features added and other improvements suggest by some friends also included. See details in the fist page. Enjoy!

BTW, Happy new year!

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great skin, but found one problem:

If i choose to log off or shutdown the entire screen turns opaque white with stripes.

First time i used shutdown, the dialog box was like the wb4, with no alpha blend.

Then for some reason it turned like pointed out first

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Other than the Darker theme, highly respected iconist Rokey has also made an light Visual Style called "Dreamland" together with another outcome, a transparent VS concept.

After getting kind permission from Rokey, I am now introducing this Dreamland WB to every one. (Permission file zipped)

DRL_WB5 version will only work with WB5, the original Dreamland version can be applied by WB4.X well

Includes transparent window frames, taskbar, Start menu, "Please Wait" window and a built-in window shadow.


Update list:

+ Transparent maximized titlebar

+ Alpha blended shut-down dialog

+ New min/max/close buttons

+ Oversized startbutton

+ 3 substyles included(wb4,wb5,top)

+ Real-time trans taskbar

Download @ Wincustomize

Click to enlarge the preview image:


Wallpaper by Kol can be found here:


I LOVE YOU!!!!!!

If i was an asian girl, i would bang you.

Geat skin, but, Right click the taskbar or on a desktop item and the text is all messed up with cleartype on an lcd panel. Any way to fix this?

my text is fine on my laptop

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If i choose to log off or shutdown the entire screen turns opaque white with stripes.

Same problem here. Great skin, though. Guess I'll just have to use hibernate.

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