Anyway to use a Mac OS X animation like....

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Hi. Is there any way to create, or any place to download a window animation like the one on the Mac. What do I mean? Well, some of you, I guess have seen a Mac OS X operating system before, well, I am talking about the animation that they use, when for example you click a minimized winodw, and the window, instead of just appearing maximized, like windows does, it looks like something is sucking it up, and then appears maximized., someone told me that is called "Genie effect" but I'm not sure. I really like this animation, but is there any way of doing it in windows XP? I hope I explained my self clear. Thank You in advance.

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As far as I know WinFX 2 doesn't provide the exact genie effect, but does offer a variety of min/ max effects. (I have the beta through Object Desktop and I couldn't find the exact OSX genie effect).

Some of the effects are just amazing, especially the spin effect, where an app spins into the dock. Very groovy.

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WindowFX doesn't *bundle* the genie effect with it but the transition effects are scriptable so you can make it if you wanted to. They are leaving it up to the users.

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I'd check the windowfx newsgroups on stardock's server. I'm sure when someone makes it they'd probably post it into there. I kinda think though that some people are waiting until it comes out of beta though.

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Originally posted by eckoman2k1

I can't find anything under the options in WindowFX for minimizing effects or anything...:ermm:

Are you useing the Object Desktop Alpha version, or the shareware version because its only out on Object Desktop atm.

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