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Originally posted by Timan

he said *I've been looking for awhile now. * that means he has seen this before. that means FAKE!!!

I dunno, it all seems reasonable. I wouldn't mind it being real, I like the case. Serious cooling implemented as well with those cool little air intakes as well, perhaps the sign of a nice fast (read hot) processor?

Plus, 4gb, sweet!

Well I think we can at least expect something in this manner for the next PowerMac line.. I suppose it's one of many prototype designs. It'd look really weird if they were to release this with the metal bezel in the front.

If this is an actual prototype though, i think it's safe to say that the next PM's will be white, and that makes sense too, what with all the other new machines being white.

I like the QuickSilver design more, although this looks nice too. I guess I like QS more because it would look better in my room, and I'm getting one :D

I'm following this story on a lot of the mac forums, including arstechnica (damn, they're clever :p ) and they are leaning towards it being real, they also say that the mobo shown is DDR as well, nice. Imagine, Dual G4 at 1.33GHz with 4GB DDR :o

Well it seems these images are being removed all over the internet. Cease and decists are being sent out left right and centre so it seems these may be real. If anyone had the sense to save them or still have them in their cache, pleaase contact me on MSN:

Quote of one of the cease and decists:

This letter is on behalf of our client, Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple"), and relates to the public postings and display of photos and files purporting to be depictions of future Apple products ("Material") on your web site at .

Pursuant to Apple internal policies, this type of Material is not permitted to be disclosed or published to any unauthorized persons. By continuing to publish, display, or link to the Material, you and your company may be disclosing Apple confidential business information and/or Apple trade secrets and also may be held liable for infringing Apple's rights under various federal and state laws.

Therefore, we request that you cease and desist from displaying the Material on all web sites and servers under your control, including any hyperlinks to other locations where the Material may be available.

Because this is a matter we take very seriously, we ask that you immediately confirm in writing that you have removed the Material from your web site.



Arent Fox Kintner Plotkin & Kahn, PLLC

1050 Connecticut Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20036-5339

Phone 202/857-6000

Fax 202/857-6395

Edit: Never mind, I've got them, anyone want to host them? I'm not having my iDisk account deleted...

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