November (2005) Desktops

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oh well, here it is. I know the football fans would love this wallpaper. If you want any extra information just PM me.

Luna element 4 Black.

Ronadhino wallpaper.

and thats it :wacko:

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TheTerminator wonder were u got ur idea for ur desktop preview  :shifty:  :crazy:


Haha, me so sowie. :whistle: Take it as a compliment! ;)

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My November Desktop:


Wallpaper: Cheshire By DarkTorizo

Theme: Vista XP V2.0 By Kol

Icons: My Computer By DarkTorizo, Recycle Bin By ???, HDDs By Nymite

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new month... new desk :D


Visual Style: Eternal Orange Mod By Me (WIP / NFR)

Wallpaper: Blast by ...

Icons: Iconbase iToolbar V2

iTunes: Eternal Orange by Me (WIP / NFR)

Apps: Objectdock+, Rainlender (Lucid skin)

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November has arrived in Australia. Just to circumvent people who are going to post - once again - it is yet a few hours to november: don't, you will be warned. :)

Posting Guidelines:

    * If you plan to img-embed your desktop, please try to keep it at/under 1024x768 and under 100k (It's recommended that you link it, externally).

    * Stay within the board rules, no matter how yummy you may believe it to be.

    * If you are going to quote, there isn't a need to quote an img-embedded picture - Just don't do it. Please just reference the post by page number/page link/etc.

    * Off Topic Posts will be edited or removed.

    * The desktops thread is not to be used as a means to post images of a pornographic or otherwise provocative nature. We do not support a babes forum and neither will we in an unofficial capacity. Please help to keep the thread relevant and safe to browse for everyone.

    * The moderators of this forum reserve the right to edit or remove your posts as necessary so they may comply with our Community Ruleset.

    * In the interests of keeping the thread on topic it is strongly urged that you format your posts in the following order:

    * Visual Style: Name/where you got it (with link would be nice).

    * Wallpaper: Name/where you got it (with link would be nice).

    * Icons: Name/where you got it (with link would be nice).

    * Programs: Name/where you got it (with link would be nice).


Why is it that alot of people dont post the name and and where they got it like the the guidelines say. gets annoying have to ask for each item lol

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Why is it that alot of people dont post the name and and where they got it like the the guidelines say.  gets annoying have to ask for each item lol


Well maybe because guidelines are not rules I guess.

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New desktop for November!!

VS: System 5

Wallpaper: Up In The Air...

Icons: NX05 & Zen Micro

Apps: Miranda, AveDesk, RKLauncher, iTunes.

Hope you like!!

If you need anything feel free to PM me.


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heres my desk - apologies if the pictures dont work.. first try :)




VS - VistaXP, Y'ZDock(2) + Object Dock

Logon - modified glass inspirant logon, I forget who made the orig

Wall - made from 2 different bliss walls, just combined the grass and sky into this one

Icons - Icon-A-Day, Aerosoft Inspirant, a few customs, etc etc

Messenger - Slate by Rolando (I think)

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