Obese man sues fast food chains

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NEW YORK, July 26 ? A 5-foot-10-inch, 272-pound man has sued four major fast food chains, claiming their fare contributed to his obesity, heart disease and diabetes, his attorney said Friday. The lawsuit, which estimates that millions of Americans could be included in the claim, also seeks to have the companies label individual products with fat, salt, cholesterol and other dietary content as well as to warn consumers of potential health consequences.

how ridiculous can you get?i:rolleyes:s:

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ya i just saw that on the 6PM newx...

what a moron!! has he been living in a shoe box all his life?

there is NO way in hell hes going to win.

already everyone in america thinks he's dumb!!

how can you go day to day without knowing that the food you

eat at fast food places are HIGH in saturated fats???

i hope he loses and in court he gets a heart attack from being stupid and over weight.

you shouldnt be rewarded for ignorance!!

I'm sorry, but this guy should not have a leg to stand on. When I eat fast food, I KNOW its bad for me. I read plenty about it in the press - I know it is bad for me, so I am aware of that when I eat it. So, I try and play sports where possible and go swimming a few times a week.

Sorry - he has no one else to blame. No one FORCED him to hand over cash for that food.. he did it all on your own. Its his own fault. I have no sympathy. Tough luck. I hope they laugh him out of court.

the sad truth is he will probly win.

remember when that lady spilled her coffee in her lap and because mcdonalds didnt label it as "HOT" she sued and won. I think this guy might win since they dont list how much fat is on what product. They only have some kind of list at some places. But its not labeled on the food. So I do belive this guy will win.


what a crack head. how does he not know that fast food is fattening, and i agree he is doing it 100% for the money. where did he even get the idea of sueing 4 food chains. thas dumb, unless the JURY is made up with fat people who agree with him, he will not win.

From the BBC article

"I always thought it was good for you. I never thought there was anything wrong with it," he said.


I'd type something cynical and nasty about him, but I'm at a loss. This has got to be the most stupid comment ever.

....How has this man lived to this age? With this little commom sense I'm surpised he's not managed to kill himself in an imaginative and pathetically stupid way before now.



While I think its ridiculous that this man is trying to get money for this, I do think its a good idea that they make fast food places label their food items with nutrition facts. For one it will help calorie-consciencious people, and another it will force fast food places to make their food a little bit more healthful once its widely known exactly how many calories and fat are in each of their burgers. I just think its a shame this man couldn't just shoot for making the fast food chains label there food instead of trying to make himself rich. Watch him open his own fast food chain if he wins this, that or put a Burger King in his mansion.

This is a joke! If that guy didn't want to become obese he should not have eaten that crap at McDonalds or Burger King. This is similar to that smoking case a while back, where people were trying to sue the company for their bad decisions! Don't wanna get fat? Simple, DON'T EAT JUNK FOOD! Don't want lung cancer and rancid breath? DON'T SMOKE! Don't try to blame anyone for your bad decision.

Originally posted by AOXOMOXOA

some people will sue anybody for anything these days..

I'm really sorry, but your sig offends me big time, and unless you remove it, I will be considering taking legal action against you. My lawyer will be contacting you within the next few days...

Originally posted by atomoverride

the sad truth is he will probly win.

remember when that lady spilled her coffee in her lap and because mcdonalds didnt label it as "HOT" she sued and won. I think this guy might win since they dont list how much fat is on what product. They only have some kind of list at some places. But its not labeled on the food. So I do belive this guy will win.

I am thinking he will to :(

Sad, but may be true :(

Originally posted by Tesseract


Gee, look at the warning label on this food:

Warning: This food will make you fat.


What is this world coming to? Where has common sense went in this world? :s

You make a point, how many labels can we put on things? You could really sue any company for lack of warnings, like I am looking at my optical mouse, it doesn't say if I open it while it is on I will shock myself, but I should know that. It doesn't say that if I try to eat the USB Plug I might choke, but I should know that. My point, if you are suing for somelike like this you are very ignorant and should be hit over the head with some common sense.

Originally posted by Zoneblitz61

While I think its ridiculous that this man is trying to get money for this, I do think its a good idea that they make fast food places label their food items with nutrition facts. For one it will help calorie-consciencious people, and another it will force fast food places to make their food a little bit more healthful once its widely known exactly how many calories and fat are in each of their burgers. I just think its a shame this man couldn't just shoot for making the fast food chains label there food instead of trying to make himself rich. Watch him open his own fast food chain if he wins this, that or put a Burger King in his mansion.

They have been posting the nutritional data on their walls for years though and you can also get them in a handy dandy full colour brochure.

LardAss has no case, and I bet he hasn't seen his willy in years

It's people like this that remind me of how utterly unfair life can sometimes be. Great people like John Lennon, JFK and Martlin Luther King get killed in their prime, and had such a profound impact on this world, yet this piece of worthless amphibian sh!t will probably live well into his 90's. So much for Darwin, otherwise he'd be fertilzer by now. :right:

Not that I agree but people have won suing the tobacco industry. How is this any different? I personally think fast food companies are even more covert about the harm their product causes. But then again, choices are what make life interesting? Do we really want the government telling us what we can and cannot do? Everybody knows fast food is bad for you. Just ask Jered from Subway.

Originally posted by John Doe

Not that I agree but people have won suing the tobacco industry. How is this any different?

It's not. It's simply society catering to the moronic sheep-like masses that play off on their own stupidity to get ahead. Just a big pity-party for the dipsh!ts so they can take more oxygen away from the more deserving. :right:

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