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Check the picture of my room, what colors would you PAINT the room?

Also what colour carpet????????

its a dorm room, but i want to do it up, cos i will be living there for 4 years!!!!

Neutral colors, nothing scary, cos i have to be there during the day and night :)

thanks for any advise

pictures taken on a w800, reduced quality so that it would appear on the forums :)




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I'm no doeruper gooder guy so don't trust me on this.

Get some nice carpet (Y) like gray/whiteish normal town house carpet, make the wall's any black, white or mid earth tone colour and have one feacher (sp? ) wall cold or warm colour

Get somthing happning on the wall's put up some posters (Good sized ones not just random cut out of mag ones ) if you have room you could have 3 side by side someone from Neowin had it with Martix posters in his room look really good.

Change the curtains to no patten ones? in a dark cold colour like blue or black.

For the love of god get a new chairs.

Just genrally have a clean out find a place for everything don't cluter, make the room show who you are.

A good place to get thinking would be Neowins own Post Your Work Station.

Good Luck

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thanks for the replies.....will post pictures once i do PIMP the room :D

still choosing colors etc

I go to uni in EUrope, the dorms have no idea that i plan to paint the room ..... lol.......the fine is like ?10, which is nothing!

Plus its because of the course that they allow you to stay in the dorms for such a looong time!

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  NiceCarpet said:

I'm no doeruper gooder guy so don't trust me on this.

Get some nice carpet (Y) like gray/whiteish normal town house carpet, make the wall's any black, white or mid earth tone colour and have one feacher (sp? ) wall cold or warm colour

Get somthing happning on the wall's put up some posters (Good sized ones not just random cut out of mag ones ) if you have room you could have 3 side by side someone from Neowin had it with Martix posters in his room look really good.

Change the curtains to no patten ones? in a dark cold colour like blue or black.

For the love of god get a new chairs.

Just genrally have a clean out find a place for everything don't cluter, make the room show who you are.

A good place to get thinking would be Neowins own Post Your Work Station.

Good Luck

Trying to read that made my head hurt. :wacko:

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OK, I had a bit of a think about it, coz I'm gonna be doing my place up soon.

I think it looks quite cold and clinical at the moment. You need some warmer colours in there, but you don't want to make it too dark, so the wall's are pretty much ok colour wise. You could just paint one wall, say the one with the window (seen it done and it looks great). Also you could get some nice prints from to give it some class. I think black and white always looks cool. The rug, curtains, bed covers and that chair need to go. The main thing your stuck with is the furniture, which looks quite nice btw, so go with that for the colour scheme, Creams and browns can look really good. Have a blind AND curtains in contrasting colours (cream/wood) same go's for the bed covers and floor/rug. The next, and possibly the most important thing, is the lighting. It looks really harsh in there right now, so get some nice looking (matching) lamps, to make it look softer and make sure you can't see any naked bulbs. Maybe you could put some strip lighting above the units, so you just see the glow, but not the sorce of the light. Next up, Boxes. Get matching boxes to put into those shelf spaces, maybe ones that have labels on the front so you know whats in there, It'll make it look much more tidy. Also, get some long flat boxes that will fit under the bed to store more stuff. Another thing you could do is get a black bed sheet, cut it to size and hang it behind your desk (staple it to the back edge) it will cover up all those wires and still give you easy access. The only thing left to do after all that, is invite the lady's round :p

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