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They spammed 62 pages worth of topics that consisted of lots of old gay porn images. If you want to see what type of porn it was search for lem0nparty but I wouldn't if I were you.


I don't like those myg0t guys. They really think it's cool to spam and cause mayhem on the net. In reality, it's stupid. I was just hacked, packed, smacked, and hacked again by 4 of them in a CS 1.6 server.


Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :pinch: :omg:

Why did i bother searching, i'm scared for life ... Arrrrrrrrrrh!!!!!

ROFL @ your sig. He's talking to himself in a game.. right?

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EA is too cheap to buy forum software?

I understand people like me running a phpBB forum, but EA, the giant that it is, should be able to by IPB.

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you know every1 could be myg0t, on their site, u can just tag myg0t and anoying people :\

I know what you mean. That thought never really came to my head. I thought they were recruited...

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Ah, man... don't tell me myg0t is in other circles besides Counterstike... those hacker f*ckers are like the plague. :angry:

They are not hackers and should not be treated as such.

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Well as i see they changed their site, but time ago there was an page abouth recruit and they said there not really a clan they just like to fock people up and anoying them, and if u want to be in myg0t u can just tag along as along u hack, and make people mad.

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You call that classic? Man, standards have really gone down these days. I've been around the net half as long as some on this board and even I know that it's nothing impressive.

Yes Chris, even you with your limited life experience have seen better. Good for you.

My point was, who better to have it happen to than EA. For the things they put their developers through, they ought to get it 3 times a week. It wasn't the method I was praising, it was the target.

I'll call it whatever I like.

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