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So ive got internet now with this cable company, and I'm behind a router. At the moment I am using the ISP's windows dialer to connect to the internet, but the router is capable of holding the connection for me so that when there is an active network connection windows can use the internet. If I wanted to use linux I would add the namservers to /etc/resolve.conf but I'm not sure what the equivalent is for windows.

I have two nameservers, where should I add them in windows so that I can properly resolve webpages? Thanks

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If I understand you correctly. then this page has instructions for you...that is if you are assigning Static IP addresses....However, If your router (ie linksys or dlink) and it's set in DHCP mode then it will assign your computers all the addresses including dns addresses. you client machines will have to be DHCP mode also.

you can get a dynamically assigned ip, and still specify dns servers..

as shown here..

Big thanks to all who replied, however on closer inspection it would appear that the router can handle a DNS list so I think I'll leave the 2 DNS's in there and work that way.

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