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Fantastic Skin!! I switched from clearOne Beta for 1 day for the first time since it was released! But now I've gone straight back to clearOne and won't budge for a long long time :)


Thanks again axialix!!

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nickels, close winamp and delete studio.xnf found in your Winamp directory and see if that helps. Hopefully that will do it.

Nice work Ianwoollam, like the Notifier. :)

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nickels, close winamp and delete studio.xnf found in your Winamp directory and see if that helps. Hopefully that will do it.

Nice work Ianwoollam, like the Notifier. :)

nope still the same :(

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Fantastic Skin!! I switched from clearOne Beta for 1 day for the first time since it was released! But now I've gone straight back to clearOne and won't budge for a long long time :)


Thanks again axialix!!

Sorry to go off topic but could i have that wallpaper :woot:

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Thanks axialix :D Couldn't find a colour which I liked for the notifier, so I just modded it a bit to something I always love, transparancy! :) Hope you don't mind!

Link to the wallpaper :) - Click Here!

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Is that the PL Shade mode or Normal mode? If you mean Normal mode, it sets itself at 0:00 until you click on a track.

Notifier Always On Top option has been corrected and site has been updated. :)


Do i need to re-dl the zip, consequently re-doing my C1 configs again? If that's the case i'll wait till most of the release bugs are squashed. :pinch:

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Is that the PL Shade mode or Normal mode? If you mean Normal mode, it sets itself at 0:00 until you click on a track.

Notifier Always On Top option has been corrected and site has been updated. :)

PL mode. Maybe it's always done this and maybe it's me.

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Thanks ShippO~. :)

papajohn, here are the instructions to change the font. It says NonstepNew in the screenshot, but just pretend it says Basic5.

Thank u very much, Axialix, now ClearONE has taken it's place as my basic skin!


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It won't become clear for me no matter what i do. i've tried all the color themes and skin themes there is turned on alpha blending.

if you need a screenshot, no problem.

and i've delted the studio file that you said... :(, no luck... i like this skin i want to use it

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btw how do we turn solid and glass BGs to alpha blend.

how do we do the cut in 2 the png file? is it horizontally or vertically? what do u mean axialis.

ps. great skin! 2 thumbs up. if only u could reduce the cpu. it takes 40%

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that is what i get with the clearBG one :(

if i change it to other ones, the colours of the buttons change, and alpha blending keeps getting swtiched off

Same problem here. I also think I've some problem with the ML buttons:


They look so dark...

The transparent seeker isn't as good as the gradient seeker in ClearONE beta. I don't like this one... it just looke like a simple transparent rectangle...

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I'll try to take this one at a time:

Sky Juice - You will need to re-download the zip file on my site to get the Notifier option working as it should. Studio.xnf will probably NOT have to be deleted, so all your CF settings can stay the same.

neoxphuse - I do see where 0:00 is showing up in the PL normal mode, but I can't remember either if it always did this or not. I'll have to get back to you on that one. As for changing the font to NonstepNew, I have no idea why you would want to do this! It looks FAR better IMO with the new font. If you have character problems like papajohn, please follow the instructions in the screenshot I posted. I think it's pretty clear (ahem) from there.

Andreas - You can't change the Glass and Solid BG's to alpha blend. It just doesn't work that way and there is no reason it should. PM me if you want a more detailed explanation about that. As for making the glass seeker transparent with Photoshop, all you need to do is open "glass-seekernormal.png" (located in clearONE/elements/player), select the insides and delete them. But here, I've done it for you (see bottom of post). :) About the cpu usage, I know it eats it up when moving around the windows, but I've now updated my site with a new version that should be a lot better for the PL mode. No need to delete studio.xnf, just delete the old clearONE and unzip the new one from my site.

squek - Are you sure you followed the directions at my site carefully? I'm sorry it's a bit of a pain to get working right if you don't have winamp installed in the default directory, but this is the best I could do. Please PM me after you've double-checked you did everything right, and we WILL get it working correctly! That goes for anyone else who's having trouble too.

Ianwoollam - Hell no I don't mind that you modded it! I'm glad you did, it certainly looks nice that way. I might have to redesign the notifier again. Thanks for the input!


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Axialix, there are some bugs with ML, if you see

Look carefully at bottom, thick black line.

Oh, and spectrum follows skin colour right? well when in white it should maybe be black as white really hard to see!

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Hi Unreal, I believe those thin lines are from the bottom of the ML list. Try to click and drag them with your mouse and see if they don't expand the list upwards.

As for the spectrum color, I believe it is black when a light color theme is chosen. If I'm wrong, please post another screenshot so I can see what you mean. And have you tried the Normal bars? I think they look pretty nice too.


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Chode, that was a brilliant suggestion about the text shadow. Check out what a difference it makes compared to the text at the bottom of the PL in #1 below. Looks really nice!

However, there's a problem as you can see in #2. Looks awful doesn't it? I'll work on this, but you can count on the shadows for clearONE version 1.1. Thanks Chode!


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Damn... This skin has got a lot of improvement (since the first time I saw it ^^)...

Greate work!!!

PD: Damn, couldn't get to work the glass effect :( :( :( I got a little bit confused on the explanation on the site (my english is not very good :( :( :( )

Edited by :No-Frost:
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That last attached image does look good.

With the first two you posted, I'm assuming the problem with #2 is that it is rendering a black shadow for black text. Is there a way in the Color themes to make it use a black shadow for white text and a white shadow for black text?

And thankYOU for the sexiest Winamp skin I have ever seen :)

Edit: I think the difference shows up even more when the bg is transparent, and the window is over a light/dark area of the screen.

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I've installed winamp in it's own custom directory and can see how some of the less skilled users here might get tripped up on having to edit those .cmd files. I myself forgot to edit the second path in the file :(

What I've done is changed the two paths in each of the three files from absolute (c:\path\to\winamp\dir\pic.png) to relative dirs (winamp\dir\pic.png).

This way, that whole long step for editing these three files never needs to be done again as using relative paths will work for any one, regardless of their setup. You will now only need to edit the studio.xnf file.

Axialix, please check the three files out (attached). And maybe include it in your next version?

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squek - Are you sure you followed the directions at my site carefully? I'm sorry it's a bit of a pain to get working right if you don't have winamp installed in the default directory, but this is the best I could do. Please PM me after you've double-checked you did everything right, and we WILL get it working correctly! That goes for anyone else who's having trouble too.

Ok, I'll check again.

By the way, the problem is that even if I've installed winamp in the dafault directory I have to follow that steps, because I'm using an italian version of Windows Xp where the applications' folder is called "programmi" and not "program files".

Maybe using relative paths could be a good idea...

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