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This has got to be it Sky Juice! Make sure the "Link all windows in all skins" option is NOT checked. If it is checked, the coverart magically disappears (this is not by design however).


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Two more things...

1) The coverart doesnt save it's size. Well, it does, kinda. Here's the problem. It remembers what its supposed to be. i.e If you right click on the window, it will show you what size you've selected it to be at (in my case 1.5x). However, it always defaults to 1X. :(

2) Has anyone checked out this?!?!? w0000000000t! I hope you've given him your blessing Ax, cos, damn, that's hot!

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This has got to be it Sky Juice! Make sure the "Link all windows in all skins" option is NOT checked. If it is checked, the coverart magically disappears (this is not by design however).

Heya! :D

Modern Skins>Alpla Blending>Link all windows in all skins be checked to solve the cover art and window from disappearing.

(mine was unchecked).

Axi you might wanna add this to the 1st post :o

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I'm probably missing something obvious, but I have an issue with the cover art.

It looks very jagged in the notification wiindow. I do have 'smooth cover art' checked, but it does't seem to do anything. Am I right in assuming that that checkmark is supposed to smooth the image in the notification window?

I know it shouldn't matter, but my image is placed as folder.jpg, not cover.jpg.

If it helps, I can tell you that using Toaster, it's able to scale down the image smoothly, so it would seem I'm doing something wrong with your config.

Now that my questions out of the way, AMAZING SKIN :woot: The level of detail you put into this is nothing short of remarkable.

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Cool! Glad that worked for you Sky Juice, I was running out of ideas. :D

dividebyzero, thanks for catching that bug with the coverart size. I had it set 20px too small on winamp restart. BTW, I just checked out the thread for the new WB skin by ZH.A, but I have not given him permission to use my graphics. However, I'm not going to start a fuss. Looks like he's made real progress with his skin and I'm not going to burst his bubble now. :) (Though for future reference, I would like anyone who would like to use my graphics to ask me first. I will almost certainly allow it.)

roth377, you are correct. The "Smooth Coverart" option is supposed to smooth out the jaggies in the notifier window. The difference it makes can be subtle at times, but it does work to a certain degree. Winamp does not resize images well, at least not as well as a separate plugin (Toaster for example) does, so that's why I added this option.

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I have corrected the coverart bug found by dividebyzero and updated my site with the new zip file. I've also eliminated the need to edit the studio.xnf file (yeah!) if your default Winamp directory is not C:\Program Files\Winamp. All you need to do now is edit the three cmd files. :)

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I just want to thank you for this amazing skin. :)

In exchange I will point out to everyone that WinAmp's included MilkDrop plugin's Desktop Mode plays correctly behind and through the transparency of ClearONE. It blew me away the first time I tried this. Enjoy!

Question for any/all: Is there any way to make the background of the playlist and linked plugins (lyrics, etc.) transparent? I'd love to just have text (and borders) floating over my (now animated) desktop background. :)

I know I can use opacity to make the whole window semi-transparent, but that would leave the text opaque/solid behind it, as far as I can tell.

Any way to do this?

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@Ax - Thanks for correcting the bug!

@Sacrifst - click on Tips

@recnac - Make sure you have either a file called folder.jpg or cover.jpg in the directory of your album. There's a more thorough explanation somewhere else in this thread.

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Great work, excellent skin.

I wouldn't mind you adding it so that the notifier can be right-clicked to close as it was in the Beta though (and with MSN icons). Just a thought.

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The notifier can be closed just like the other windows, just right-click the top.

Yep, that's a bug crimsonhead. Thanks for catching it! It has been corrected now.

Vibrator, I had problems with the AL plugin, but I'm glad you don't. After I installed it, my coverart window would not show up anymore. I'm gonna try it out again though, just to make sure.

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When your album list was stopping coverart working it might have been ticked in prefences to show album covers see picture attached.

Wow, i need to wear shades to work in a DT like yours! :cool:

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Its one i'm mucking around with in winamp colour editor and it just happened to be the skin at the time i took the screendump. Its been toned down since that screendump was taken and Its continually changing untill i am happy with the colours.

My winamp is generally minimised and i can do all my controls from the system tray controls.

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JESUS! How can you stand those colors :|

I prefer glass :shiftyninja:


And i made a **** program to replace PE_LIST with PE_ListofLists in the xml files lol


Hey man, can u tell me how u get the title-artist screen to be detached from the main window?

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Thank you xelios. I hadn't noticed that bug with the EQ. I'll get it fixed right away.

Andreas, you can remove the List and Minimize buttons from the PL Shade mode, that would almost leave you with just the Title-Artist displayed. <edit> Double-click the top of the PL window to change to PL Shade mode. </edit>

crimsonhead, I'm really curious as to how you made that ListofLists.exe. Please check your PM's.

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