What movie had the best special effects...

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For CGI based, I would have to go with the combination of cgi with animation for a movie called Blue Sky and also Appleseed.

For none CGI then I would say Naughty Professor (he looks so real when he is fat).

For rated most money CGI making, then it would have to be star wars?

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T2 was the best when it came. Even movies that came a couple of years after it couldnt match what we saw in T2.

Jurassic park was good too. But T2 would be my fav.

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2001 A Space Odyssey had amazing effects considering it was made in 1968.

Thats my top 1 too, awesome special effects for its time.

But after that movie, I guess that Independence Day, The Matrix, Star Wars (IV to VI) and Jurassc Park.

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I would say the 90's produced the most creative/new/good effects. Like T2, Jurassic Park, Matrix, Independence Day, etc.. ever since then there have been alot of (badly made) rip offs imo.


Jurrassic Park (1 only), T2 and The Matrix were all excellent.

For the time though it's clear 2001: A Space Odyssey has to get the title.

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For recent films, defintely Jurrasic Park and Independence Day. Also Saving Private Ryan (yep) and Band of Brothers had terrific effects (maybe not cgi, but still).

For older films, 2001 A Space Oddessy, ET (ugh), Star Wars EP 4 5 and 6, and the first few Star Trek movies as well. For the time, all had incredible effects.

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For recent films, [...] Also Saving Private Ryan (yep) and Band of Brothers had terrific effects (maybe not cgi, but still).


Good point, i forgot about Saving Private Ryan.

I change my vote definately.

That film completely blew me away, no pun intended.

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this actually made me laugh out loud for reasons i dont fully understand......

Yeah, I can't make sense of your post either.

Have you seen the movie? I saw it at an IMAX theater with my son. The attention to detail and realism of the scenes were astounding. Best I've ever seen in a film.

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I would say number ONE is space odyssea 2001 considering when it was made and how timeless it still is....but of course Terminator 2 is perfect aswell...most effects are spotless comparing them with movies nowadays...I would say some are even better then most of the fast done computer animations in todays movies

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Fritz Lang's (1927), Metropolis had some amazing special effects and was far ahead of it's time.

New film i'd have to say Sky captain and the world of tomorrow. Not a great film but amazing to see a film shot almost entirely on green screen.

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I would say it'd be a tie between Terminator 2 and the original Star Wars.

Terminator 2 did CG right, that is using it sporadically but mostly relying on real effects. When I compare a film like Terminator 2 to something more recent like Star Wars: III the CG just looks so wrong in those movies. George Lucas could learn something from scaling back, there was so much CG in his new Star Wars that everything looked fake.

And the first Star Wars wow. While the aliens are starting to definately look dated the space combat in my opinion looks way better than the stuff in the new trilogy. CG can not beat models and real explosions.

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