Remember that mad old school game, Oregon Trail?

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I remember when we used to play that in school or boys club, there would literally be like 20 people surrounding 1 PC when someone had more than like $5000 or something in it, those were the days man hahaha, were you supposed to get out of oregon in that? Damn I can't find a torrent for that game!

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Ah, memories. I remember my elementary school's computerlab with all of its shiny modern apple II's playing Oregon Trail. I remember Oregon Trail 2 had great menu music... Well actually they weren't that modern at the time, but we still loved them!

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Number Munchers! I remember the old computer lab we had in elementary school. A whole bunch of apple 2's and a huge wall with slots for the 5 1/2 disks. Then for school work we had like the Performas or something what were the ones that were all built in? Before the iMacs we had those. Claris Works.

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Number Munchers, ROTFL! That is way taking it back, Carmen Sandiego was mad overated, but that doesn't mean I don't like it :D (I used to watch it on channel 13, PBS.)

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Ah, memories. I remember my elementary school's computerlab with all of its shiny modern apple II's playing Oregon Trail. I remember Oregon Trail 2 had great menu music... Well actually they weren't that modern at the time, but we still loved them!

Hell yea man, this was the best part of the day in elementary school, hopping on the trail, seeing if we could survive crossing the river. hehe

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Nope, we had a huge computer lab in elementary school with Apple II E's with Oregon Trail and Dino Park Tycoon (when the more powerful Macs came out) installed everywhere.

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Yeah I too remember being in 3rd grade playing Oregon Trail. But then like a year later it was like "Amazon Trail" game. Yeah.. I never got to play that one. :(

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*remembers installing it on the Macs at school*

I think that was my first experience with computer games, as I played it after I finished the assignments in elementary. And playing it both on Mac and Windows was pretty cool back then.

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