Remember that mad old school game, Oregon Trail?

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I never did play this. But kings quest, THAT I remember.

Gotta love King's Quest, my favorite was KQ6, best game ever IMHO.

Claris Works too, a pretty dang effective suit if I remember correctly.

Does anyone remember that old black and white typing helper game

where there's this little dude running and you have to type a letter to

make him jump before he hits the wall. I practically learned how to

type at a very young age with that simple, silly, yet effective program.

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DUde I'm so glad you posted this topic. lol...Now I can remember those good ol' days...But DAMN was that game hard for a 6 year old! :cry:

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DUde I'm so glad you posted this topic. lol...Now I can remember those good ol' days...But DAMN was that game hard for a 6 year old! :cry:

Who me? What game are you refrencing to?

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I used to play Oregon Trail on the Apple IIgs in Elementary school, I remember it was on those big flimsy floppy disks lol :laugh:

Anyone remember "Day of the Tentacle"(Sequel to the classic "Maniac Mansion"), and "Sam and Max; Hit the Road" by Lucasarts?, those games rocked! I remember playing those on my Macintosh Performa back in the early 90's, good times indeed. I've still got the games and their boxes, and I still play them from time to time hehe :)

It's a shame all Lucasarts makes now is "Star Wars" games. They were going to make a sequel to "Sam & Max", but they canceled it. The original author however bought full rights to it, and started his own company. He plans on releasing a new "Sam and Max" sometime in 06...


Edited by WinMasta06
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Holy Crap!! I was just thinking about this game a few days ago when there was a post about the first computer game you've ever played. I couldn't remember the name of it but this is it!! We used to play this game in elementary school for hours at a time, during recess, after school etc. Those were the days!

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damn thats really way back when my school didnt have comps.

i rem tho i had oregon trails when i bought my first windows pc in '97

dont recall which version it was but much more graphically advance then that.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I believe this was the first game I ever played back in late 1981 along with something called Swashbuckler (both on Apple ][). Oh, the memories!

Not the first game I ever owned though. I believe that honor goes to Choplifter.

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I can't believe you found that. Damn that brings me back. Used to get candy for doing well in that game.

Where do you think I got my name o so long ago? ITs been with me for like 20 years.

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Oh man Claris Works. If you didn't live in MA, I would have thought you went to my school district.

I think a LOT of people used Claris Works and played Oregon Trail in those days ;)

I know I did.

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