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Bad scan quality [Picture included]


Good evening

This christmas I recieved a HP PSC 2355 all-in-one printer. Since I'm a hobby photographer I tried to scan some of my developed pictures, but the quality is aweful. I know - it certanly isn't the best scanner, but it must be able to svan better since my father has almost the same scanner, but older - and the quality from that one is much better.

How can I deal with this in Photoshop? Or... is there any setting I can change in the scan-settings?

Below I post a sample of how the scan looks like. Thank you in advance


(It's the green/red vertical lines that I don't like...)

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try using the HP built in utilitys, like the HP Director, or HP Image Editor, they have worked fine for me in the past. i then run then through a photo editing program.

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Yes, I have tried. There's a lot of settings, and I've tried to increase the DPI, adjusting color tone, brightness etc but it wont get better than my sample.

Anyone know anything to do? :huh:

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Thank you for you try, but... it must be possible to make it even better. I can still see the lines...

wow thats bad, i have a scanner from 97 that came with a powermac thatdoes better than that lol

Exactly! I can't believe it's this bad on purpose, since its so new. Must be some setting...

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Unfortunately, without going in and stamping everything out and spending a ton of time on it, thats about as good as its going to get. Tried my hand at it, looks a little better than mail's, but still far from perfect.


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Unfortunately, without going in and stamping everything out and spending a ton of time on it, thats about as good as its going to get. Tried my hand at it, looks a little better than mail's, but still far from perfect.


That's actually rather good. You wouldn't mind telling me how you did it?

do u have a photo of something a bit more recognizeable to scan?

Yes I have, I shall post one as soon as I get home

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Quite simple atually...lowered the contrast a little and added a ~1px gaussian blur.

There might have been a few more little things...I cant really remember, but I think that was about it.

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max the dpi of the scanner.

I could, but it's just not possible. Setting the DPI to 19200 results in a 28 GB file, and neither my harddrive nor my RAM allows me to handle that kind of files... 600 DPI is maximum handlable, and thats the one I've posted here

Well, this week I'll change the scanner. The qality just cant be that bad

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