Recommend me a Socket 939 Mobo ...

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Ok, then.

MSI v. DFI v. ASRock

I would throw ASRock out of that three-way. There are more of a value-oriented company, so you are bound to receive a better build quality and higher quality components with the MSI or DFI motherboards. Between those two, I would still say go with the DFI just because it is the newest and will have the better overclocking options. The MSI Neo2 Platinum was the best nForce3 motherboard for a while, though, so I can see why beniza would recommend it.

Another thing you could do is look at the newest BIOS and see what CPUs it supports. That will tell you how dedicated each company is to their motherboards. For instance, ASUS just recently added support for all of the new Socket 939 Opteron processors to my motherboard, which I thought was great. If one company offers support for those and the other doesn't, then I would have to pick the one that does.

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Hmmm, Newegg doesn't stock the DFI or MSI ....

Well, I just realized that both of them are more expensive than a 3200+ Venice itself, so ... looks like I'll be going with ASRock.

Edited by SadJoker
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Hmmm, Newegg doesn't stock the DFI or MSI ....

Well, I just realized that both of them are more expensive than a 3200+ Venice itself, so ... looks like I'll be going with ASRock.

Crazy, but you're actually right. Neither of them are at either. Apparently nobody cares about AGP 8x motherboards anymore...

I did find the DFI LANPARTY UT nF3 Ultra-D in-stock over at for $110. I have bought from them before and have not had any problems.

EDIT: Spoke too soon. That's not even the right motherboard at So apparently the DFI is so new that nobody even carries it, and I would suspect nobody is going to since PCI Express is the future.

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Nextgen, i dunno why you would throw ASRock out, lots of reviews show its pretty much on par with high end mobo's.

overclocking, i cant really complain, it overclocked well for me but im sure better RAM would help more

and for support, it supports all the 939's although might require to flash the bios for opertons

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um, I need to counter that nforce versus via recommendation. Never, ever, go via. I'd go any nforce rev over any via rev any day.

And you would be wrong...

While I don't love everything about VIA there is no reason not to use them in most cases, people still hold over bad stuff about VIA from the KT133 days. I have used a ton of VIA in recent years (KT266, KT600, KT890) and while not always bleeding edge they have all been rock stable for me. Not sure about their Intel boards but their AMD stuff is nice and has been more reliable for me than nForce 3 (6800 stutter bug) and nForce 4 (large file transfers bug, NIC random disconnects). The board in my sig has been working great for almost a year, just had a CPU upgrade, never balks at memory, has no issue with nVidia or ATI cards and has given me no greif with Creative Labs stuff either. The latest showdwon in Maximum PC shows the KT890 is overall faster than ATI solutions for AMD as well and isn't far off of nForce 4 numbers in most categories. I'm hopeful the KT900 is a solid solution when I go X2 at the end of this year.

I've built and sold over 25 systems based on VIA/AMD combos in the last few years, so I will have to disagree with your assertion. I would venture to say that as much ill will that VIA gets from the KT133 days that nVidia gets even more good will from the nForce 2 days (those were great chipsets), but I don't thinki it is earned lately.

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