[Shell Patcher] Tango Icons for Windows

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Hey guys, I was wondering if this patcher will work with windows 2000? I have anolder pc with win2k and I would love to have this on it. :D My regular is running Flyakite.

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99% sure that it won't, since 2k doesn't support 32 bit icons.
Correct, it'd take a LOT of work to get it looking less than horrible in 2000, and converting the icons to flat transparency would sorta kill the point of having antialiased, shadowed, alpha-blended icons converted from vectors. Of course, there's nothing stopping you from trying - take a peek at my earlier post on the subject, if you want to see how bad it is.

Completely unrelated, but I was goofing around in Inkscape and did this:

If there aren't laws against doing things like this, there should be :shifty:

Edited by vertigosity
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if there is ihavent found it :(

Nor have I. I don't think we'll see one from anyone else because of implied licensing issues, and I (who's brave/stupid enough to just sorta... ignore licensing issues entirely) don't think I'll have one anytime soon, as it'd definitely be a pretty complex thing for me to try and trace. If somebody can find me an SVG version of it though, I'd be glad to give it a shot, since all I'd have to do is minor tweaks to match the style.
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yea hi...um i downloaded this and installed it a while ago, and i loved it. A little while afterwards i had deleted the original folder containing all the stuff on accident. Now, when i want to change them all back, i re-downloaded it, and i open the folder and there is no restore-o-matic. so i ran hack-o-matic, then restore-o-matic thinking everything will go fine. i was wrong. now i cant get any of my old xp icons back, and its really bugging me. Everytime i go to iconpackager and want to laod up xp icons, its all of yours! Ahh, help me get my old icons back!

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yea hi...um i downloaded this and installed it a while ago, and i loved it. A little while afterwards i had deleted the original folder containing all the stuff on accident. Now, when i want to change them all back, i re-downloaded it, and i open the folder and there is no restore-o-matic. so i ran hack-o-matic, then restore-o-matic thinking everything will go fine. i was wrong. now i cant get any of my old xp icons back, and its really bugging me. Everytime i go to iconpackager and want to laod up xp icons, its all of yours! Ahh, help me get my old icons back!
You're going to need your Windows CD to "sfc /scannow" from, the original files and the saved instructions to restore them were in the copy of the folder that you deleted. On the flip side, if you don't have a Windows CD to use, XPize might be close enough to original Windows for you. Sorry I can't help more, but without your original files, there isn't really much to go on. IconPackager's "reset to default" setting, would of course, undo any changes it's done, and return to the icons located in the system files, which my pack changes directly.
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Yeah, anyone who touches that fox is crazy... too many curves... I swapped the web-browser globe for the applications-internet one without the "traffic lines", and it looks more correct to me. I want to play with the fox some more before I call it done, but it does looks subtly more correct - only subtly, because the original wasn't that out of place :p

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^ Now I guess I just spend five minutes coming up with a coherent way of patching applications seperate from system files.

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Sweet. Ask XPero?
Actually, I've been waiting to hear back from him about the possiblity of using his installer, but nah, just more improvements to the batch scripts. They en't perfect, but they're completely open-source, have no non-included dependencies, and I (or anyone else) can make changes to them in seconds on any machine, which isn't something I could say about any more "professional" patching system.
whats the planning date of the next upgrade/update?
It's got stuff from their CVS in now, it'd really be bad form if I release it before they do :shiftyninja: So until they release the next revision, I get to just goof off with Inkscape and work on some of the really win32-specific stuff (AVIs and BMPs) :cool: Edited by vertigosity
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What's that? An icon set that almost makes me not want to use tango anymore?

Very tempting but vert's release still wins.

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Very tempting but vert's release still wins.

I agree, we was kidding for a new shellpack with new icons

and vertigosity asked for suggestions ... just an idea ...


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vertigosity asked for suggestions ... just an idea ...


suggestions for this one, silly :laugh:

It'll be a nice long while before I abandon Tango+variants in favor of something else, I like it, and I've got a good grip on the style and workflow for it (so if I tire of any one element, I'll probably make tweak, trace, or invent something new). I've got a nice little list drawn up of stuff to target that ought to keep me busy for a bit. Oh yeah, and tonight's project, semi-automated animation frame generating, is done, and with it, Tangerine shell animations. I've got my automated icon "emblemating" scripts done as well, but I haven't converted those PNGs to ICOs yet (read: iColorFolder module). Imagemagick and shell scripts FTW!

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Oh yeah :p

Any word on XPero's installer?

It's been a month since I heard from him last; if I had to guess based on my limited information, I'd say he's busy helping Shacal with Guireplacer 3.
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