[Shell Patcher] Tango Icons for Windows

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I love Tango icons, and I thank you for taking the time to implement them into WinXP. I just recently did a fresh install of XP, and before I had done this I had your tango set installed. It worked well but the uninstall didn't work aswell as the install(I installed in safemode, and uninstalled in safe mode. I also used tweakUI to repair the icons/cache).

As of right now, I'm holding off on tango until you can get that installer going. I really hope it's soon because I'm itching to use tango again. Thanks again, can't wait for the update. =)

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Interesting. How do I apply this in Windows XP?
You'd need to convert them to ICOs, script up reshack or a similar program to modify your system files to include them, then you'd need something to manage putting the modified system files into use. Or convert them to ICOs, and use something like IconPackager to apply them, but especially on XP they only apply "skin deep" - the original icon will still poke through often, which personally always bugs the heck out of me.
Could you make a version of this pack for IconTweaker please?
Yeah, you're going to need to make your own. There are plenty of already ICO-converted packages around... most of them don't include the pixel-perfect 16x16 and 22x22 bitmaps, but nobody but me seems to care about them (if you do, grab my pack - the ICOs are accessible for other uses).

I haven't really had much time to work on this lately, and won't for a couple of weeks or maybe a month or two - in a day or two I'll try to package up the patcher in the state it is on my HD (wfpdisable included, updated AVIs, 32x32 optimized bitmaps for Tango and some of the miscellaneous stuff (but not Tangerine, Tango-icon-theme-extras, or the stuff ripped from Jimmac's WIP pages), a few previously unreleased oddball creations of my own, and updates to the emblemated icons, classic logon bitmaps, but no massive addition of "wizard" bitmaps yet) and release it.

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You'd need to convert them to ICOs, script up reshack or a similar program to modify your system files to include them, then you'd need something to manage putting the modified system files into use. Or convert them to ICOs, and use something like IconPackager to apply them, but especially on XP they only apply "skin deep" - the original icon will still poke through often, which personally always bugs the heck out of me.

Yeah, you're going to need to make your own. There are plenty of already ICO-converted packages around... most of them don't include the pixel-perfect 16x16 and 22x22 bitmaps, but nobody but me seems to care about them (if you do, grab my pack - the ICOs are accessible for other uses).

I haven't really had much time to work on this lately, and won't for a couple of weeks or maybe a month or two - in a day or two I'll try to package up the patcher in the state it is on my HD (wfpdisable included, updated AVIs, 32x32 optimized bitmaps for Tango and some of the miscellaneous stuff (but not Tangerine, Tango-icon-theme-extras, or the stuff ripped from Jimmac's WIP pages), a few previously unreleased oddball creations of my own, and updates to the emblemated icons, classic logon bitmaps, but no massive addition of "wizard" bitmaps yet) and release it.

Fantastic. At least we are going to have something 'new' to play with in the next month or two. :p

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Not to sound nitpicky, but the new Firefox icon is too... agressive, while in 16x16. 32x32 fits in nicely though.

But hey, it's FIREfox, so why not ^^

Haven't seen any new bitmaps except the classic logon. T-up on that one.

I want meh iColorfolder icons :pinch:

Also, could you make one that replaces the ati tray tools icon, just as you did with the nVidia sound mixer?

And third thing... The network connection icon (2 monitors) need a bigger color difference in order to see what's happening.

Just my 2c, good work sofar :D

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Nice update. Still using your shellpack and still loving it. One question though: could you post the tango logoff and shutdown icons? I can't see the ugly 16 bit icons in my startmenu anymore and would like to change it myself.

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are there any updates since

0.7.2b (06/05/06)


The update is from yesterday! June 5th, 2006...

Remember the date format is MM/DD/YY sometimes.

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I realized I completely forgot to convert the new folder-overlay stuff (or just hadn't gotten to it)... I'll need to respin with that sometime. That's a prereq for iColorFolder as well, although I need to actually recolor the folder SVGs too :p

The update is from yesterday! June 5th, 2006...

Remember the date format is MM/DD/YY sometimes.

Yeah, we typically use MM/DD/YY here in the States. Personally, I prefer YYYY/MM/DD, as it sorts easily, but MM/DD/YY just sticks in my head from elementary school.
Nice update. Still using your shellpack and still loving it. One question though: could you post the tango logoff and shutdown icons? I can't see the ugly 16 bit icons in my startmenu anymore and would like to change it myself.
I'll have to experiment to see if it'll take alpha transparency there, those bitmaps don't even use Magic Pink transparency - so they'd need to have a border or something. Something to play with.

Not to sound nitpicky, but the new Firefox icon is too... agressive, while in 16x16. 32x32 fits in nicely though.

But hey, it's FIREfox, so why not ^^

Haven't seen any new bitmaps except the classic logon. T-up on that one.

Also, could you make one that replaces the ati tray tools icon, just as you did with the nVidia sound mixer?

And third thing... The network connection icon (2 monitors) need a bigger color difference in order to see what's happening.

Just my 2c, good work sofar :D

The Firefox icon is matched to the Tango palette, it's a little bit more vibrant but it works - at least, I like it. There aren't any new bitmaps except the classic logon, I haven't got them quite finished yet. I'd need to download ATI tray tools sometime (I've always been an ATITool man myself) to see what I'd need to do on it, and my bandwidth is ridiculously limited ATM. The low-res network connection icons are a bit subtle... but that's upstream, not my fault - it's authentic :p

itunes for linux ???


Only on my machine. You can't have it :devil:
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vertigosity :

When, if you are, will you patch some of the icons :

a) msgina.dll \\\ logon/off

b) Logoff/shutdown buttons

c) [Printers and Other Hardware] [Performance and Maintence] [Date, Time, Language, and Regional Options] [Network and Internet Connections]... all in Non-Classic CP.

d) Opera

e) regedit

f) winamp, wmp

g) outlook express

h) msn messenger (pm me if this interests you)

thanks alot.

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vertigosity :

When, if you are, will you patch some of the icons :

a) msgina.dll \\\ logon/off

b) Logoff/shutdown buttons

c) [Printers and Other Hardware] [Performance and Maintence] [Date, Time, Language, and Regional Options] [Network and Internet Connections]... all in Non-Classic CP.

d) Opera

e) regedit

f) winamp, wmp

g) outlook express

h) msn messenger (pm me if this interests you)

thanks alot.

a) I thought I got all of the logon/logoff icons in msgina in the most recent revision?

a & b) It's been on my todo list for a while, I just haven't gotten around to positively identifying all the locations/sizes/formats that need to be done.

c) Some of those call for "frankenicons," with one icon slapped onto the other... aside from that, I think I can make some reasonable assignments.

e) I haven't really come up with a good visual metaphor for the registry. Come on, Gnome uses a car with a wrench on it for gconf (which sorta serves a similar purpose), Windows uses a crumbling ice cube, Firefox's about:config doesn't have an icon or even a name - just a URL, and nothing else really has that sort of functionality... and Tango's all about the clear identifiable metaphors. Ideas?

d, f, g & h) Just in regards to the main app icon, they all need very "branded" icons. That might be something for Inkscape Happy Fun Time.

g) The toolbar for OE is on the todo list, and half-done, but I haven't gotten around to finishing it. It's been requested, but I have a tendency to prioritize stuff I actually see...

f, g & h) ... and uninstalling WMP, msnmsgr, and OE is typically the first thing I do to any install.

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I did a mockup for a & b, then i stopped making it..

the icons doesn't look good together :(


I hope someone tangoized WinXP icons, I really like to continue

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I did a mockup for a & b, then i stopped making it..
Hey, I like it. The icons work together just fine, you're just not used to them being there ;) . I have a mental mockup for a semi-proper "reboot" icon, as well, a button for rebooting ought not be pretending to be a logout button.
I hope someone tangoized WinXP icons, I really like to continue
What do you mean by that? Semi-Tangoized versions of the icons normal XP would have there? That might not be in complete agreement with the style guidelines; I think I'd prefer borrowing stuff from Ubuntu if I wasn't already thinking along the lines of something like your mockup.

Unrelated, but I've finished iColorFolder themes for both Tango and Tangerine, anyone who wants 'em, get 'em from my miscellaneous application skin port page.

Edited by vertigosity
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I did a mockup for a & b, then i stopped making it..

the icons doesn't look good together :(


I hope someone tangoized WinXP icons, I really like to continue

I like the background, but the windows flag is a bit too big.


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