[Shell Patcher] Tango Icons for Windows

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Sorry Vertigosity, I didn't the find the time to write this yet. But probably next weekend (if the Worldcup doesn't come in the way).

Eh, it's cool, I haven't had the time I'd need to implement it anyways :rofl:
I hex edited sfc_os.dll and completely disable SFC. Can I still do SFC /scannow?
I doubt it - testing in a VM with WFP disabled via XPlite and (seperately) "empty" sfc_files.dll and it didn't work - the dialog appeared, and the progress bar blasted across without checking anything.
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Yeah, I hadn't gotten around to updating the page, Pngy goodness is up. And yeah, I as well found that out that ResHack doesn't like Opera... and it flat-out crashes ResEdit. Oh well, I'll toss it in the pack anyways, so it can be used on shortcuts. Alternatively, maybe there's a utility to decompress packed executables? Who knows!I don't think there's a way to do "sfc /scannow" wrong, unless you had file protection actually disabled. If your CD is just an SP0/1 disc, that might explain why SFC didn't catch it, maybe? The Security Center (is that the only thing that's affected?) is only around on SP2 and up... if you're really desperate and have plenty of cheap bandwidth to throw around, the SP2 installer direct from MS might give you a fresh copy. It's... possible that the backup version got corrupted, there's always a possibility for something to go wrong when you're making several copies of files, modifying them, and then throwing them around to various places. If that's the case, though, SFC would take care of it.

Its not just the security center thats effected. Its alot of random things. Certain pop ups for windows updates, network connections, info on folders etc. its just all over the place

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Its not just the security center thats effected. Its alot of random things. Certain pop ups for windows updates, network connections, info on folders etc. its just all over the place
It might be worth using the Regional + Language Options control panel to check if all the options it supports are set to the proper setting (English / En-US | En-GB as the case may be). Aside from that, "SFC /scannow," and the SP2 installer are all I can really suggest... not knowing what caused it or why it's doing that, I can't offer too much more help. You're pretty sure it was the shell patcher, but I'm lost as to how... not trying to be an ass, I just can't find any similar incidents or possible causes :/ If you're running on the "restored" system files, or have SFC /scannow'd, it might be worth putting to the general neowin crowd before you go and find a way of clean-installing (I hate recommending that, it's not a fix, it's a cop-out of a fix, and not everybody has the time, or even the capability).

any updates on a new version of the tango?
Not really. I've been piddling with various bitmaps, so you'll be seeing that in the July revision, but it's not like there's anything earthshattering I can really do. I've halfway thought about adding parts of the not-yet-officially-released Gnome-icon-theme2 in as another substyle, but haven't seriously started work on it yet. If/when Martin writes that simple little date-checking program, I can add some semi-intelligent logic to facilitate "incremental" patching/backuping, but that's a few weeks off yet.
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Yeah, you might not want to try this for x64. It wouldn't install normally, so I tried safemode, and it fragged my installation :(

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This topic has gone to the second page. Time for an update! ;-)
yrah! let's bump it!
Yeah, you might not want to try this for x64. It wouldn't install normally, so I tried safemode, and it fragged my installation :(
Owwie. I'll update the release notes sometime. I don't / won't have access to a XP64 machine for reference and testing, so that'll remain unsupported, pretty much forever (Vista SP2 will probably be out by the time I have the budget for that). I'm not going to make a bet on it, but I suspect Reshack doesn't support 64-bit PE binaries.
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Updated. Now with some wizard bitmaps, classic start panel logoffness Tangofied, and the msOEres toolbar (somewhat) skinned (but no Tangerine variant ATM). I'll be out of town for a few days, so everybody's on their own for help, but enjoy :D

Edited by vertigosity
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it seems that the only changed I see are my Icons. I only used "hack-o-matic" as what have said on readme.txt. the Instructions are a little bit confusing and im tired reading previos post, currently on the 9th page and still havn't find any solution yet.

is there any other steps to changed the look of my Windows, toolbars etc...? like the one here: http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/27940418/

I like the Tangerine one with the ubuntu logo on the start menu.

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Looking for some help... Anyone know how to remove the IE/OE branding AFTER installing this?

I would normally use a script, but it doesn't seem to work. And I think it is because of this shell pack.

Also, the restore-o-matic, or whatever, is not working. I may have installed it twice... could that be the problem?

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Will a repair Windows install work as well as sfc /scannow? As previously noted, a hex edited sfc_os.dll does *not* let you sfc /scannow.

So booting from the WinXP CD and doing a repair install, will it work?

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so the pack was updated ? becuase DA still says the old date


Updated 2006/06/30: Mostly wizard bitmaps, miscellaneous other stuff.

Version 0.7.2c

Force reload! CTRL-F5 in Firefox

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Great news on the new release.

I just have one thing to add: Why (in the screenshot) are a couple of the icons still not changed? ie. folder options, internet options, network setup wizard, scheduled tasks,software explorers and speech.


edit~also; in my opinion, the network connections computer screens look to much alike. The dark light blue and dark blue (orange also) look to much alike. They need a darker screen (blue) and a brighter orange (orange)

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Will a repair Windows install work as well as sfc /scannow? As previously noted, a hex edited sfc_os.dll does *not* let you sfc /scannow.

So booting from the WinXP CD and doing a repair install, will it work?


Is there another link for this other than DA ....seems to be downloading very slow and cuts out.
Nope. If somebody wants to do mirror/hosting bits, that's perfectly fine by me, but I haven't got the bandwidth or the resources really to set anything up.
Great news on the new release.

I just have one thing to add: Why (in the screenshot) are a couple of the icons still not changed? ie. folder options, internet options, network setup wizard, scheduled tasks,software explorers and speech.


edit~also; in my opinion, the network connections computer screens look to much alike. The dark light blue and dark blue (orange also) look to much alike. They need a darker screen (blue) and a brighter orange (orange)

There's still quite a few things I haven't assigned icons to, or made icons for. But a few of the things in that screenshot haven't changed, because I'm too lazy to update the screenshot. :rofl: I'll get around to it eventually... really...

Regarding the contrast on the network status icons, I'm not quite sure where I want to go with that. I agree for the most part, but I've been trying not to make my own forks of icons in Tango/erine if I can help it. You suffer together with your Linux brothers-in-arms, you suffer with honor :p

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