[Shell Patcher] Tango Icons for Windows

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First off, great script. I've tweaked it a little bit (for my own use & purposes) and i was wondering how i would be able to modify the firefox.exe.txt file, for other programs such as thunderbird, utorrent, miranda etc.

My question is more directed to the two lines of code here:

-addoverwrite res_unofficial\vertigo\internet-web-browser-firefox.ico, ICONGROUP, 0, 
-addoverwrite res_unofficial\vertigo\internet-web-browser-firefox.ico, ICONGROUP, 32512,

I guess all i really need to know is what the '0' and the '32512' values are, and how to change them to represent other apps like those listed above.

Edit: I also just noticed that when I lock my computer (windows key + L) the new 'locked computer icon' seems to chop off the beginning of the text. Just wondering the easiest way to fix this?

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Edited by Ennis
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This is great!

Worked perfectly fine for me... but I had to make a new User Account (the other one had some weird Icontweaker thingy that didn't show the Tango icons)

Thank you!

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First off, great script. I've tweaked it a little bit (for my own use & purposes) and i was wondering how i would be able to modify the firefox.exe.txt file, for other programs such as thunderbird, utorrent, miranda etc.

My question is more directed to the two lines of code here:

-addoverwrite res_unofficial\vertigo\internet-web-browser-firefox.ico, ICONGROUP, 0, 
-addoverwrite res_unofficial\vertigo\internet-web-browser-firefox.ico, ICONGROUP, 32512,

I guess all i really need to know is what the '0' and the '32512' values are, and how to change them to represent other apps like those listed above.

Edit: I also just noticed that when I lock my computer (windows key + L) the new 'locked computer icon' seems to chop off the beginning of the text. Just wondering the easiest way to fix this?

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Ignore this post i figured it out :)

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can i get confirm on if this has been updated ive looked on da but im not 100 % sure
I don't post here until it is :yes:
Anymore Screenies? I want to see what is all done. I'd rather see what is done than read about it. Pictures > Words.
I've been playing with Vista Beta 2, but I think I'll be restoring my XPSP2 image later tonight (fun's worn off). I'll get around to shooting a few things sometime this evening when the dust has settled and everything's back to normal.
Is this ever going to support Windows x64?
No. It uses Resource Hacker (just like XPize/Flyakite/Bricopacks), which doesn't support 64-bit binaries, and is unmaintained. Until someone writes a scriptable replacement (preferably one that reads the same script format), for reshack, all of the shell patcher / dynamic "pack" installer thingies cannot support x64.
Edit: I also just noticed that when I lock my computer (windows key + L) the new 'locked computer icon' seems to chop off the beginning of the text. Just wondering the easiest way to fix this?
It looks like I got lazy and forgot to put the icons in the proper order when I was adding the optimized 32x32 bitmaps. It'll be fixed in then next revision. You can't reshack uTorrent, same reason as Opera - it's a packed executable, reshack won't touch it.
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@ vertigosity

Is the complete shell-Patcher (all files) only 3.4 MB File Size :blink:

Animated avis included ? For orange and blue ?

Once more - fantastic job, thanks for the updates !


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Is there Tango "Burn" icon ? :rolleyes: And mail icon too, not the Gnome one.

p.s. Thanks for Opera icon vertigosity (Y)

Edited by HEPB
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Is there Tango "Burn" icon ? :rolleyes: And mail icon too, not the Gnome one.
There's the icon for k3b, the primary KDE burning app, but I don't have it included (only at 16x16 for explorer-sidebar use). What do you mean by a "not the Gnome" mail icon?
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I mean this mail icon internet-mail.png is there alt. one ?

Too bad there is no 48x48 Tango "Burn" icon, i want it for the dock :rolleyes: Can you suggest smth. similar ?

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Oh, it exists, I just didn't have it included because the patcher wasn't using it. That is the official (and only, really) mail icon for Tango... there's a slightly different version used in some other icons with it closed, but that is it.

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Just wanted to say thanks first of all. I was half expecting something to go wrong, but it installed absolutely perfect. Great job.

Could you instruct me as to how I would go about keeping the original icons for the network status though. The tango ones, while nice, do not "light up" enough upon activity for me to notice. I assume I'd have to reinstall the theme, but where would I find these resources for the original, what would I name them, and where would I place them before reinstalling? Thanks, I hope I didn't confuse you. :unsure:

Also, does anyone know of a tango-like application icon for Foobar to match?

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I have a LogonUI replacement I'm preparing, but I'll save screenshots of it until it's closer to being ready to release, just to not completely abuse my NW-attachment-space.

Just wanted to say thanks first of all. I was half expecting something to go wrong, but it installed absolutely perfect. Great job.

Could you instruct me as to how I would go about keeping the original icons for the network status though. The tango ones, while nice, do not "light up" enough upon activity for me to notice. I assume I'd have to reinstall the theme, but where would I find these resources for the original, what would I name them, and where would I place them before reinstalling? Thanks, I hope I didn't confuse you. :unsure:

Also, does anyone know of a tango-like application icon for Foobar to match?

The resources for the original ones would be in the original netshell.dll and xpsp2res.dll, which would be in the "original" subdirectory of the patcher. There's quite a few of them, so rather than doing compiling instructions for that, I think I might just finally get around to convincing myself to tweak the problem away the best way I know how: to do it anyways, and think to myself: Wow, that DOES look better. I think I'll solve my "I don't want to make a fork" scruple by trying to submit it to Tango proper.

I don't know of a specific Foobar icon (a tangofied rat-head, or whatever that is). I'd guess the easy proper replacement would be to use the generic audio mimetype icon, or be slightly less tango-correct and use one of the volume/sound control/status icons, or portable media device (MD/iPod/DJ/Mixx) icons. If enough people pester me, I might get around to tangofying a rat head.

Edited by vertigosity
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Nice, those are so much better. Thanks a lot!

If you ever get around to tangoing up a rat head :p that'd be awesome. In the meantime though the generic audio icon does indeed do the job. (Y)

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There is now an HTTP mirror available for the main shell patcher (on benpbrown.com, thanks to bobp's bandwidth generosity) for those who want a faster connection than DeviantArt can provide (which is in some cases, none), or just don't feel the burning need to waste DeviantArt's bandwidth.

Darkt.net can't host RARs or EXEs. Buggah.

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