[Shell Patcher] Tango Icons for Windows

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I do believe that for SP0 & SP1; you don't need to hex edit the ntoskrnl. You just need to edit the ones for SP2.

Also: Is there a way you could use the existing palette with what SooperDoode said?

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Oooh, that does look shiny. It's gotta be 16 colours, though, and that's a heck of a lot more restrictive on what you can do. I've been working on trying to get the flag dealiased and sanely dithered, but PSP and Gimp aren't being particularly helpful, so I'll probably end up re-doing it in an old DOS image editing app I used to use on my 286 (its dithering/gradienting support makes perfect sense for low-color indexed images). The general idea isn't what I need inspiration for, it's the "actually getting around to doing it" part that confounds me :p

The bootscreen and logonui have been put on the back burner relative to real-life projects around the house and refitting the XPize installer for Tango. But hey, if anyone wants to try what I'm calling the "Beta 1" release of it, grab it from darkt.net or benpbrown.com. I think I've got all the bugs in my fresh new code (as opposed to code that's tried, tested, and from XPero unmodified) worked out, but you might want to back up your Important Stuff and be ready to run a repair install of Windows, just in case. It kinda goes without saying, but make sure to restore away the old patcher before trying this, as the new installer architecture seemlessly maintains backups on upgrade, and has an incremental reloader for post-Windows-Updating.

Edited by vertigosity
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i lvoe your icons! so nice a relxing and not ugly....dont know if u remeber me but anwyas i kinda have a quick personal question. (this is for all you modders who are tens times better than me) How do you change the default icon that microsoft word uses for its documents to the one u have in ur !extras folder? ive been searching online but i still cant find anything. any tips or answers?

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I really like where this Shellpatcher is heading. Very comfortable to use and new icons with every release.

But I have a little problem. The icons in the marked area are changed on my Laptop whereas they aren't on my Desktop PC. I can only guess of one thing that might make the difference. On my Laptop I run a german Win XP Home opposing to an english Win XP Pro on my Desktop PC. Any ideas how to fix this?

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i lvoe your icons! so nice a relxing and not ugly....dont know if u remeber me but anwyas i kinda have a quick personal question. (this is for all you modders who are tens times better than me) How do you change the default icon that microsoft word uses for its documents to the one u have in ur !extras folder? ive been searching online but i still cant find anything. any tips or answers?
I typically use regedit to do it so I can export it to reg files to back it up, but the Folder Options control panel has a file types tab which lets you do it fairly simply. Fire it up, hit advanced, change icon, find it, and you're good. Unless of course, MS Office does something screwy (which, being a Microsoft product, it would), in which case, I can't really help you as I haven't pirated a copy.
I really like where this Shellpatcher is heading. Very comfortable to use and new icons with every release.

But I have a little problem. The icons in the marked area are changed on my Laptop whereas they aren't on my Desktop PC. I can only guess of one thing that might make the difference. On my Laptop I run a german Win XP Home opposing to an english Win XP Pro on my Desktop PC. Any ideas how to fix this?

What's the "marked area" (missing screenshot)? Home and Pro keep their icons in the same places, and I doubt the language is relevant - I tweaked the scripts to be language-agnostic a while back, and I'm doing all my testing on an English machine, so it'd be odd to work on German and not English :wacko:
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Thank you!!!!!!!!YES!!!! wow i never knew that....time to change some more icons...mwuahhahaha!! ok stop being such a kid...

on second thought....anything tangoey for pdf? im ok with the default one but to have something else tango, now thatll make me the happiest man alive... :)

Edited by whizbt77
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vertigosity :

Does the "latest" version of the Tango shell patcher (not including XPero) patch 93 different files?

I overwrote version [unknown] with the latest version and I am trying to update H:\documents\tango\patch\Super Turbo Tango Patcher\original with the original backed up files (for restoration purposes) so.. does the latest version patch 93 different files, and does the version before that patch 80 different ones?

Oh yeah, I apologize if that last bootscreen mockup is "stealing your thunder" or something. :)

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0.7.2b did 4 possible instances of comctl32, 75 normal system files, and 3 third-party app files, in that order

0.7.2b did 4 possible instances of comctl32, 88 normal system files, and 3 third-party app files, in that order.

The numbers are derived from the order that they're listed in the script, though, so it's not just a straight count. IE, numbers 1 and 2 are the XPSP2 comctl32s, 3 and 4 are the 2003SP1 comctl32s (which'll be skipped on XP), and it picks back up again with 5 being shell32. And I did make a habit of inserting resources into the list at what might look like random points, so you'll probably need to do a quick visual scan to get the numbers right.

Just for the record, not counting the incredibly feeble start to including Git2, the XPize installer "Beta 1" is 0.7.2c+1, I haven't been hitting the resources much lately. It'll be in "beta" until I have a release-worthy amount of resources to release, which'll give plenty of time for testing :whistle:

Don't worry about the bootscreen, it's just a mockup (and can't be done properly without some heavy modification), we all have to get those out of our systems from time to time, and besides, nobody will remember it by the time I've gotten around to doing it myself :laugh:

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Hope you don't mind this... but I kinda did a website mockup... yeah.. I do need to get a life...

Everything on the site is my original work except for the text (stolen from darkt.net) and the help image (a Tango icon)

Oh yeah, and I looked after your post, and yes, my numbers are correct (because of spaces ;))


Edited by bobp
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Bored much :p? I think the Wiki layout/template/stylesheets that they actually use is available under one of the Creative Commons licenses as well... I had been thinking of trying to Web 2.0ifty my page, but I can't really be bothered.

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The bootscreen and logonui have been put on the back burner relative to real-life projects around the house and refitting the XPize installer for Tango. But hey, if anyone wants to try what I'm calling the "Beta 1" release of it, grab it from darkt.net or benpbrown.com. I think I've got all the bugs in my fresh new code (as opposed to code that's tried, tested, and from XPero unmodified) worked out, but you might want to back up your Important Stuff and be ready to run a repair install of Windows, just in case. It kinda goes without saying, but make sure to restore away the old patcher before trying this, as the new installer architecture seemlessly maintains backups on upgrade, and has an incremental reloader for post-Windows-Updating.

I installed the beta 1 yesterday evening and everything worked flawlessly. I got a few WFP warnings though (which I didn't get with the latest script versions).

Patching Firefox did not work for me because my Firefox is not installed in %PROGRAMFILES% (or %PROGRAMDIR%). With the scripts I had the possibility to correct this myself. Maybe there is another possibility to check where Firefox is installed? There is a reg entry for this (PathToExe).

Before the installation I uninstalled some relevant Windows updates and disconnected my PC from the LAN. After my PC was updated again, repatching worked without problems.

Ah. I forgot. Patching beta 3 of IE 7 does not work. The icon is not changed.

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Sorry. Forgot to include the screenshot. This is what I mean.

I your screen shot - why is the "My Network Places" text cut off?

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Those are changed to tango for me

On my Laptop they are changed. The screenshot is from my Desktop PC. Recently I switched from an PATA to a SATA II hard disk. Since then I ran into a few problems concerning customization. The uxtheme.dll multipatcher didn't work anymore (tried 2.5.1, which has worked so far, and 4.0 without success. I didn't find out that there's a version 5.0 until a few days ago) so I had to use Replacer instead. Next problem was the Shellpatcher not changing those icons. I have absolutely no explanation why this is happening since the upgrade.

I your screen shot - why is the "My Network Places" text cut off?

Happens to me with all visual styles. Windows Classic however behaves absolutely normal.

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Sorry. Forgot to include the screenshot. This is what I mean.

i also dont get those buttons skinned......


now using the beta and it works really fine, good work

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no tango pdf filetype? :(
It's something to make. I'm pretty busy right now, but I've pushed it onto the stack, I'll pop it off eventually. I think Gnome uses the standard x-office-document icon for it, although that feels wrong even there.
In your screen shot - why is the "My Network Places" text cut off?
I think it's just the font in the VS and the Recent and Network icons having such long names, nothing sinister. My fresh completely non-tweaked XPSP1 VM does the same thing with Luna.
Sorry. Forgot to include the screenshot. This is what I mean.
That's comctl32.dll, which has been one of the trickiest DLLs to replace. The first thing I can think of: what service pack of XP are you running? I haven't had support for that DLL before the recent beta version, so if you're running SP1, that's a nice easy answer for me.

i also dont get those buttons skinned......


now using the beta and it works really fine, good work

Is the beta skinning those buttons as part of its "really fine"? If it is and the previous versions didn't... SP1?
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